Saturday, February 4, 2017

Poem: 'Exploration' by Corvo Obsidian Sahjaza


Darkness envelops her shivering form,
anticipating His knowledgeable touches
as he wraps the velvet blindfold,
unyielding on her moist hazel eyes.

His scent, His fingers, His voice,
are the only clues establishing,
authenticating it is Him behind her.

He takes her arms, riddled with goose bumps,
Binding them with soft rope, stretching them
unbending behind her silky-smooth back.

Echoes of her heart thump quickly, deeply
in her ears, as her breath grows shallow,
His lips brushing her throat, commanding,
“You’re Mine. You’ll always be Mine.”

Forcibly bending her small form,
forehead close to her knees,
her arousal seeps into her nose.
His fingers unfolding her swollen dewy lips.

Icy fingers plunge deeply
into her warm cavity, twisting,
exploring, discovering each fold.
Her pussy enveloping his fingers,
Like the darkness surrounding her.

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