Thursday, April 18, 2019

Poem: "Thither" by Sky Claudette Soto

By Sky Claudette Soto

Thither,thine etymology of a reflecting key hence dating back to a sigil of dreams beneath my bed of antiquity as thou'st,vernal equinox sets in .
thine inevitable sugar moon rises like a worm moon in the sky, thy coming of light has arrived in it's fullest form
Searing forth through out ,thy coming of thy seasonal changes,spinning like wicks that resemble dream catchers that looks as though velvet spiders have woven a web.within a footprint that moves like a ticking clock telling time..time ..that passes through like a fountain of water sprinkled with pink salt in a rose flowered bed of antiquity
Thither forth my love..thither forth.


  1. Amazing! This poem paints a visual of dark and powerful seduction.

  2. Beautiful imagery Sky! You are divine inside and out!! 😘
