Friday, July 26, 2024

Demo Review: Companion of Fools "Demo 2024" (Independent) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Companion of Fools
Location: Harrisonburg, Virginia
Country: USA
Genre: Straight edge hardcore, beatdown
Demo: Demo 2024
Format: Digital
Label: Independent
Release date: February 29, 2024
Perusing the underbelly of YouTube once again I came to “Demo 2024” by Companion of Fools. This is some standard yet considerably decent hardcore beatdown. I will also say that they are straight edge!
The production is clearly D.I.Y—yet that is something that doesn’t bother me too much. The riffage is heavy and so are the vocals, and even though there are some mild errors with the music and in the recording—Once again—this is still pretty damn good! I will also add that while not perfect, the drumming is “more than” passable. I also dig the tone of the snare!
Sound wise I am reminded of a band I listened to back in the days when I was in high school, the Canadian act “Degrade”. I once spoke to one of the guys from Degrade and he told me that most of their earlier recordings were recorded live off the floor with a simple microphone. As the production is similar I do question if these COF tracks were recorded the same way!
Lastly—these guys are from Virginia and if you want to hear more of them you can check them out on their Bandcamp page or just listen to their demo on YouTube! -Devin J. Meaney

Track list:
1. Strength Within
2. Cast Down
3. Life Fades Away

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