Wednesday, August 14, 2024

EP Review: Full Choke "self titled" (Independent) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Full Choke
Location: Seattle, Washington
Country: USA
Genre: Hardcore
Format: Digital
Label: Independent
Release date: April 20, 2024
Wanting to listen to more hardcore I made my way to YouTube in search of some music. I usually search for demos (at least most recently). I didn’t want to listen to a full-length album but I figured I would shake things up a bit and search for an EP!
After viewing a handful of releases I found the self titled EP by a band called “Full Choke”. These guys hail from Seattle USA and this is once again an upload by xBrutalYouth666x. Featuring 8 banging tracks this is only just under 15 minutes long but it really does feel like a complete release!
The guitar is tight and almost dancey at times with slams and chugs galore and the drum work is professional sounding. The vocals are a mix of in your face mostly clean but aggressive shouts mixed in with backups and gang vocals. Overall this is very Hatebreed-esque and fans of the “Jamey Jasta” style hardcore are sure to dig this!
You can listen to the EP on YouTube or you can find these guys at their Bandcamp. I have no problem saying this was a hard hitting and very enjoyable release and I’d not hesitate to bump more from these guys in the future! -Devin J. Meaney

Track list:
1. Slow Death
2. Immolate
3. Sleep
4. Pillar Of Lies
5. Credible Threat
6. Burdened Years
7. Mimic
8. Full Choke

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