Tuesday, August 20, 2024

EP Review: Slugpit "Mentally Unengaged" (Independent) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Slugpit
Location: Ljubljana
Country: Slovenia
Genre: Black/death/grind/punk
Format: Digital, limited edition cassette (50 copies)
Label: Independent
Release date: May 15, 2024
I came across the “Mentally Unengaged” EP by Slugpit! This is coined as a mix of black metal, punk and grindcore! I can hear the grindcore and the black metal influences but I am not hearing much of the punk leaning.
The music is heavy and the vocals are aggressive, with inspirations obvious from both the grind and BM sub-genres. I am also hearing a touch of thrash! At times I am reminded of Ghoul—even if these tracks are a bit darker. The vocals and some of the riffs are reminiscent of the “Splatterthrash” album!
No matter the supposed genres involved—this is quite the intricate little EP and I’d definitely encourage people who are into music that is a shade darker to give these guys a spin. Without question time and effort went into the creation of this EP and I’m sure if these guys continue on with their musical journey many more solid tracks will be birthed from the minds that created this! Great effort! -Devin J. Meaney

Vid Fekonja: Vocals, lyrics
Jan Medved: Guitars, lyrics
Matej Veren: Bass
João C.: Drums

Track list:
1. Goat Obliteration Machine
2. Scum
3. Sonic Eradication
4. Machete Carnage
5. Phantasmal Fist
6. Sentient Gas

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