Friday, October 11, 2024

Article: "Dark Moon Ritual, October 2021" by Liath Sahjaza

Dark Moon Ritual, October 2021
Article by Liath Sahjaza

Welcome to this month’s Dark Moon ritual. from 2021 repeat she is not able to create one this month but will soon ... and so ... for This month finds us in Libra, which means you might be feeling more talkative and social. Libra is a sign with many positive traits and beneficial energies, so kicking the month off with a healthy dose of Libran energy is not a bad thing.
Dark Moon is the time for closures, to rid yourself of the bad energies of the past weeks and only take what serves you in the future. If you haven’t cut cords, please do so. It truly is a lifesaving practice.
A Libran influence is typically one of balance and peacekeeping. It is the sign represented by a set of scales after all. If you've found yourself struggling with a work/life balance, or with setting boundaries amongst your relationships, this Dark Moon marks a point of reset that will help you recalibrate. It will push you to weigh the value in the things and people around you and find a better alignment in your own life. I hope by now that you all accept that it is truly okay to cut toxic things and people from your lives.
Of course, there is always a flipside of which to be wary. Libra is extroverted, chatty and highly social. With Mercury currently in retrograde and confusing our lines of communication, now is not the ideal time to be embracing the overly talkative or even gossipy sides of ourselves. More than usual, things can be taken out of context. So, while you may feel more inclined to make a snide comment, for the next few weeks, it's best to live by the idea that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
For our meditation, I feel the need to go deep inside and search for those cords that need to be cut. As you do this, focus on loving yourself. Be confident that you deserve the best, and therefore need these cords to be cut. As you cut them, focus on resetting yourself. Think of how much better your life will be without these negativities. Stand strong in your power as you place personal boundaries wherever you need them. If there are people you must be around even after cutting them loose, learn to just not react or feel anything when they are around. Yes, you can train yourself to do this. They do not deserve the energy you put into being bothered by them, and you deserve better. Lift yourself up, hug yourself.
Thank you all for sharing this event with me. Much love and dark blessings.
HEOP Liath Sahjaza

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