Saturday, October 26, 2024

Book Review: Sherry D. Ramsey "Unraptured" (Self published) by Devin J. Meaney

Author: Sherry D. Ramsey
Genre: Science fiction, fantasy
Format: Print, Kindle
Language: English
Length: 40 pages
Publisher: ‎ Sherry D. Ramsey
Release date: April 7, 2019
I wanted to do some reading, and although I purchased two new books recently I have been holding off on reading them. I was wanting to read something short! For some reason unknown, I remembered I planned to read Sherry D. Ramsey’s story “Unraptured” before and didn’t. I looked it up on Amazon, and the e-book version was available for under 2 dollars. I thought “what the hell?” and clicked the purchase button!
Overall this is a decent story. It is one of those post-apocalyptic type stories with “zombie like” people. As I do love stuff like this I found it to be an enjoyable read, and after finishing, it made me wish that Sherry wrote more stuff like this. The 40 or so pages that contained the story were the perfect length to keep my attention at 1am on a Friday night (Saturday morning)! Being woefully A.D.D. I sometimes find it hard to read lengthy novels so short reads that peak my interest are a must. I am glad that I retained the memory of this from the annals of my mind, and all in all I’d be happy to read more short stories from Sherry in the future!
Note: As an added bonus Sherry’s short story “The Girl in the Stones” is available for free when purchasing this and signing up for her newsletter. The only reason I did not do this is because I already read that story, and as I speak to Sherry in the real world if I want to know about her writings I can ask her myself! -Devin J. Meaney

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