Saturday, July 15, 2017

Single Review: POST MORTAL POSSESSION Ingesting Sewage

Ingesting Sewage
From their upcoming full length to be released in 2017
Music performed and recorded at Cerebral Audio Productions by Shane Mayer in May 2017.
Mixed and mastered by Shane Mayer.
When I reviewed their debut EP Possessing Entity a couple years ago, I marveled at the potential I heard from Post Mortal Possession. Mind blown by the band’s sound and professional musicianship, I thought they were well on their way to gaining the attention of indie labels everywhere. That one was released in 2014; in 2015 a second EP Forest Of The Damned was released by the band. Both EPs can be streamed at PMP’s Bandcamp with a song planned for inclusion on a new full length. Whereas the band kicked things off going right into blast at the start, they have progressed toward a fair amount of buildup, bludgeoning the listener with piercing notes, pounding snares, thunderous bass, guttural growls, manic pig squeals and rising tension until the blast comes with unexpected suddenness. In less than a minute PMP prove they are mastering every thumbprint of death metal. The early transition sweeps you into the brutality and darkness of this song almost before you’re aware it’s happening. It lasts a moment but the songwriting illustrates the slow but sure process of maturity that began with Possessing Entity. Shane Mayer who produced, mixed and mastered Ingesting Sewage has an ear for bringing out a DM band’s most brutal qualities. What surprised me most was how naturally tight these trimmings were sewn together, impressing upon all who hear it a climate of guarded discord, presented with such a stable and unbroken technique it seems impossible for a band to reach when they’ve only been active since 2013. Everything from the verses to the guitar solos to the verses again flow together impeccably, so much that the song doesn’t need a repeating chorus to fall back on. The lyrics reflect this talent as they describe in horrid detail the end of the world as only a death metal band can. You’ll be missing out if you pass this up. -Dave Wolff

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