Sunday, February 4, 2018

Interview with author JONATHAN McCOY by Dave Wolff

Interview with Paranormal Exposed author JONATHAN McCOY

Provide the readers of this webzine with background information about the book you recently published, Paranormal Exposed. What is covered in the book and how long did it take for you to gather and compile information?
Paranormal Exposed, published by Dark Moon Press, is about understanding the paranormal from a scientific and human perspective. I have been studying and investigating the paranormal and occult since I was a child, and this book highlights some of the things that I had learned since I started when I began this journey when I was six years old. Writing Paranormal Exposed took me roughly a year to write as I was attending college, working in the film industry and speaking at conventions on a regular basis on top of my paranormal research and investigations. I wanted to bring a title forth that looked at the paranormal at a more anthropological and physics perspective that shattered some of the misconceptions of what some, if not most, people have surrounding paranormal phenomena.

Was there some spurring moment that happened when you were six years old that made you start on your journey of studying the paranormal?
My first experience happened when my grandfather had passed away. He was like the grandfather that every little boy of six would have loved to have and he was my best friend. After his death, I saw his apparition in my room every night for about two weeks. I brought it to my mother’s attention and she told me that he was in heaven and the only reason he would have still been here is if he was a ghost and had unfinished business. This fascinated me and instead of running away from what I was experiencing, I ran to it so to speak. I was under the impression that when someone died, their souls didn't stay here. In all reality, these weren't things a six year old boy should have concerning himself with but I made the most of the circumstances. I began talking to him and the more I talked to him, the less and less he was there; I suppose he was relieved that I was okay. I wanted to know why this was happening so I began asking more and more questions and I started researching the paranormal. I learned rather early on that I should question everything and that answers just wouldn't fall into my lap. This began my life long journey into the paranormal and the occult; little did I know that it would even lead me to the Vampire Community where I would find a family element that I was missing in my life.

Describe the earliest research you were undertaking when you were six. What resources did you have to work with?
I found out about Ed and Lorraine Warren and I started discovering there was a whole other world with this. I began reading about their cases and about the happenings that took place around the world. My mom would take me to the library where I would search for all I could on the paranormal. Imagine if you will, me as a first grader reading about ghosts and demons while everyone else was coloring in their coloring books, I caught a lot of flak and even got pulled into the school counselor's office on more than one occasion as my teachers were concerned for my mental well-being. I was wearing a pentacle very early on in my life and this also drew a lot of unwanted attention from the rest of my family and those around me. I was studying Wicca and various forms of the occult, which didn't blow over very well considering I grew up in Louisiana, otherwise known as the Bible Belt. Unlike the rest of my family, my mother thankfully was rather supportive of my research as she was a practicing Wiccan at the time and had no issues letting me read in the topics. I went through my childhood with my nose buried in books about the paranormal and the occult and I started investigating on my own when I was ten years old. I had no one to really teach me, so I was teaching myself from what I had read in my youth.

Do you remember the first books you researched in the library? How much of a wider perspective did they give you of what you experienced?
I remember a few of them. I remember reading "The Demonologist" by Gerald Brittle, which talked about the careers of Ed and Lorraine Warren. That title really opened my eyes to what could really be out there, which contradicted everything I was told by my family. I learned that the paranormal was very real and I wasn't the only person to have had some form of a paranormal experience. I became very interested in who Ed and Lorraine were. I got the chance to read "Ghost Hunters" and "Satan's Harvest" by Ed and Lorraine, which in turn sent my curiosity into overload. I was reading about things that not many other six year olds had any inclination that even existed, which frankly disturbed my family. My mother urged me to be careful in what I was getting myself into because once that line was crossed, there was no going back; and naturally she was very right. I dug deeper and I discovered Aleister Crowley when I picked up his book "The Book Of Lies", which was extremely difficult for me to understand. The experiences of reading these really exposed me to a larger, more unknown world and I found myself becoming more and more confused and seeking more answers than I originally sought after to begin with.

How many books did Ed and Lorraine Warren publish in their careers? Who were they and when were they most actively writing and publishing?
Ed and Lorraine, born in 1926 and 1927 respectively, penned six books that I've been able to find and have been featured in about nearly a dozen more. The books centered on the experiences Ed and Lorraine have had over the course of their careers in the paranormal. Ed was in the Navy and was a former Police Officer before proclaiming himself as a Demonologist. Lorraine is a clairvoyant and medium and together they formed a paranormal "super group". They claimed to have around 10,000 cases to include the infamous Amityville case; several cases have been adapted into movies such as The Amityville Horror, The Conjuring and Annabelle series and The Haunted. Though the cases have been slightly overembellished for the sake of cinematic drama, the general gist of the cases were somewhat accurate. Ed and Lorraine founded the New England Society for Psychic Research in 1952 and often spoke at colleges around the country and consulted on several different cases to include the Enfield Poltergeist case out of Enfield England in 1977 with SPR, the Society of Psychical Research, a ground founded in 1882 in the West Kensington are of London. Ed and Lorraine wrote together from 1989 to 2004 shortly before Ed's death in 2006.

What was it about Crowley’s The Book Of Lies was difficult to understand? Did you seek out other published works of his after reading it?
Crowley's Book of Lies, the full title is The Wanderings and Falsifications of the One Thought of Frater Perdurabo, which Thought is itself Untrue. Liber CCCXXXIII [Book 333], was like a collection of poems, rituals cryptograms and was like a how-to-guide of sorts. Crowley's mind is a very strange and complicated realm, especially to a star struck kid new to the whole concept of the paranormal and occult. Even now, 22 years later, I still have difficulty understanding that man and his work. Even after 22 years of studying and researching these concepts, I still am learning something new every single time I open a book about either subject, especially from Crowley or Nostradamus. The only other book by Aleister Crowley I had read was The Book of the Law, also known as Liber AL vel Legis, which as well I could barely understand. Both books were written beyond anything that I could understand at the time. Crowley is said to have written the book in an hour in Egypt as the entity of Aiwass was channeling through him. The book is three chapters long and it appeared to me to be a book on the laws of magic and power.

What did your mother mean when saying there would be no going back once a certain line was crossed?
In the realm of magic, the occult and the paranormal, people often become completely obsessed with the teachings and lose themselves along the way and ultimately drive themselves crazy. Your mind is your greatest asset, however your mind can be your greatest enemy. I think my mother addressing this when she told me there was no going back. I also believe that once you're exposed to this sort of life that it becomes a part of who you are and is ingrained in your personality. I believe I reached my point of no return when I did a spell for my lost black cat, Ozzy, who was missing for about six months to return to me. The following morning after I had worked the spell, my cat was meowing at the front door to be let in. That's when I knew what I was reading and learning about was real and I dove even more into the realm of the unknown. I won’t lie; my studies have impacted my relationships, my friendships, made me somewhat of an outcast from society, and of course I know that sounds terrible; however, I couldn't be happier and I believe that my research has made me into a better, more understanding person. Odin is said to have given his right eye for all the knowledge he could possibly obtain in the universe, this is a concept I can understand in my quest for knowledge of the unknown.

How did the Bible Belt view Wicca and its practitioners when you began reading about it? How did you and your mother deal with preconceptions that existed in that time?
The Bible Belt, frankly, was a bitch to live in. Nearly everyone, including my own family, would demonize everything that contradicted their views and I was likened to being a devil worshiper by my family, by classmates and by most of everyone I came into contact with. I was called a Satanist simply because I had knowledge of something greater than they understood and embraced a different path. I had no interest in going to church as I didn't identify myself as a Christian but as a Wiccan. I was accused of animal sacrifice and ritualistic practices. I had no issue "showing off" my practices whereas my mother was extremely secretive about hers as she didn't want to become a target herself. Eventually she changed her views and became a Baptist and later a Mormon. Eventually it all came to a head when I picked up "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey, a book I still own to this day, and started to research what I was accused of being. I felt like if burning at the stake was still legal, I would have been first in line and I wanted to find out why I was hated so much. I discovered that modern Satanism wasn't even devil worship at all, but atheism with a twist. I stuck with being Wiccan for most of teenage years into being a young adult.

How did The Satanic Bible and other works by LaVey help you come to terms with being outcast from the Bible Belt?
When I first read "The Satanic Bible" when I was a teenager, it showed me that I wasn't the only person in the world to feel as I did. I didn't identify as a Satanist, however what Anton LaVey talked about were things that resonated within me as I was (and still am) outspoken against mainstream religion. Where I grew up, the church was the rule of the land and I was frequently in the principal's office because I was openly wearing my pentacle necklace and I refused to take it off. Freedom of religion wasn't something that was accepted in the community. It was either you went to church or you were labeled a rebel. I always knew that man created the way the devil dances and when I read "The Satanic Bible" I felt a sense of relief as I felt I was no longer the only person who is going through or went through this sort of religious monopoly. It made me realize that it was better to stand for something even if I stood alone than to fall for anything to stand with the many. It made me feel that even though I didn't agree with Christianity that I was not a bad person and that ultimately it was ok that I was an outcast. It really showed me that I could look within to find my own strength. I am not a card carrying member of the Church of Satan, however I do support the organization and support the teachings of Anton LaVey and Magus Peter H. Gilmore.

We’ve heard a lot about the satanic panic of the 80s and 90s. Did you have to cope with this personally in its heyday?
Fortunately no, I didn't have to deal with it when it was going on. I have heard many, many stories about it though from several of my friends within the Church of Satan. The same sort of panic went around when The Satanic Temple wanted to unveil a bronze statue of Baphomet at the Oklahoma state capitol building and later decided to unveil the statue in a secret location in Detroit. It kind of caused a mass hysteria with people, especially on Facebook. One of my close friends and colleagues told me that the sort of panic going around about the statue unveiling didn't even come close the amount of hysteria that took place in the 80s and 90s. Outside of that, I have no personal experience with it.

What are some of the accounts related to the satanic panic you remember hearing?
Some of the accounts that I remember are hate mail, a lot of threats of violence, Christians thinking Armageddon was coming, that sort of thing. I remember one of my friends, who's a priest now with the Church of Satan, telling about how people would run rampant with accusations of how people were abusing kids in day cares with Satanic Practices. This was really pushed forward by the release of Anton LaVey's release of The Satanic Bible and openness of the Church of Satan and the overzealous nature of law enforcement of the time to peg anything on the growing nature of the occult in the 70s and 80s. It’s reminiscent, in my opinion, of a modern day witch hunt. This sort of thing is still going on today in 2018. I've been attacked for being a sorcerer and necromancer by the general public for my practices as a pagan and my involvement with the paranormal community. In fact, in certain parts of the world, executions still take place against people who still practice witchcraft or various forms of the occult. I don't think the satanic panic is ever going to be truly over given the nature of the religious feuds going on.

Some people are saying that internet published books are going to replace the print industry. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? Do printed materials still have value in the information age?
I think the Internet is a marvelous thing but I very much think digital means are quickly replacing print. You can log into Facebook to catch the morning news, log into your Amazon Prime account to order a new book and down load it straight to your phone or kindle for later. Your phone stays within arm’s reach nearly 24-7, which gives people direct access to an endless amount of knowledge (or lack thereof in some cases). You basically hold the whole wide world and beyond in the palm of your hand and I think one day that everything is going to become digital and hard copies are going to become a thing of the past. I have many fond memories of hanging out with my friends at the Library and the local bookstore in my hometown and I'd hate to see the next generations to follow us to be robbed of the opportunity to make similar memories but I digress. I think printed material still holds tremendous value in today's information age as book sales are still high across the world for my fellow authors and people still show an interest in the industry.

Exactly how much importance does the print industry have in your view? Present some examples of what you mean?
It is something I can go either way on. I like having hard copies of my books to be able to sell at conventions or when I do a speaking engagement, but I have actually had more digital downloads of my book compared to hard copy purchases, and it doesn't affect me either way as I am still making book sales. It's a nice novelty to be able to hold a copy of my book in my hands for the first time but outside of that, it's not something I must have each and every time. It's just a nice feeling of accomplishment and the same feeling of holding a DVD in my hand of a movie, TV show or documentary I worked on. If I never have a physical copy of my book and everything gets sold digitally, I don't think I would at all be bothered.

Explain how your studies led you to the Vampire community and what you discovered. What family element do you refer to?
I was always aware of the Vampire Community but I didn't live in an area that had many others like me so I didn't really have the opportunity to get involved. I was always fascinated by the allure of the Vampire, by the seduction and the awe inspiring image of a proper Vampire. I remember watching Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula (1992) for the first time when I was maybe eight years old and being completely stunned with Gary Oldman's performance and appearance as Count Dracula. It wasn't until I discovered the World Wide Web when I discovered there was a giant online community of Vampires and I wanted to know as much as I could about them. It wasn't until my later years of that I got in contact with people in the Vampire Community and I quickly took the opportunity to get involved. I am a member of the House of Lore sired by King Maven Lore I and the House of Sahjaza sired by Goddess Rosemary as well as an active member of the Vampire Court of New Orleans. In the Vampire and Paranormal Community, I have found acceptance for who I am and what I represent. I've never felt judged or out of place here and I probably never will and I feel like I'm a better person after each I day spend here. I served in both the military and law enforcement and I never felt this level of love and camaraderie anywhere else and I feel like I’m able to contribute a lot here and make a difference with each and every day. I've found my home and I have no intention of leaving.

What fascinated you about the allure of the vampire, and what fascinated you about Gary Oldman’s Dracula?
Let’s be honest here, the allure of the vampire is sexy and beautiful, dark and mysterious. It's the manifestation of our deepest carnal desires fused with romance and there's not much out there than can top being a Vampire. When I first watched Dracula, I saw Dracula transform from the mysterious castle dwelling old man into being the stoic and handsome Vampire for the sake of reigniting the flame within his heart with the love of a woman. The idea of living in a castle in Romania has always been one of the deepest and richest fantasies I have ever had ever since watching Dracula and I have attempted to model my personal image to replicate the gray suit wearing version of Dracula, but to no avail. I've come into my own being of style and presence, but I can thank Dracula for being that spark to get me started.

Name other vampire movies you are a fan of. Do you prefer movies from the classic era or the more recent movies beginning with Blade in 1998?
I am a huge fan of the classic flavor from Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee's versions of Dracula, but I also don't mind the newer movies as long as it's not Twilight, Blood And Chocolate and Blade. I loved the film adaptations of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles with Interview With The Vampire and Queen Of The Damned and by what I understand, there's a new Anne Rice series about to start getting filmed here in New Orleans based off her Vampire Chronicles series, which I'm pretty excited about. I'm actually going to audition for some of those roles in the series when casting calls open up. I wasn't a huge fan of Blade even though there wasn't anything wrong with the content or performances; in fact the movies were great from a technical perspective of the filmmaking capabilities the late 90s, I just couldn't get into the movies that much. The first one was decent-ish, but after that I lost interest. Dominic Purcell's performance in Blade: Trinity was about the only part of it that I enjoyed outside of watching HHH from the WWE get shot in the eye with an arrow. I do my hardest to not acknowledge the train wreck that is Twilight.

What about the Lugosi and Lee era do you appreciate? What have you heard about the new Anne Rice series so far?
I loved the old black and white movies in general and I thought the older versions really captured the gothic feel associated with vampires and the performances were strong and entertaining. I loved the clash between Van Helsing and Dracula in Dracula (1931). I think this movie in particular really set the tone for how the vampire is viewed in cinema. With Dracula (1958) it captured, in my opinion, a more gritty and romantic version portrayed by Christopher Lee. I don't know much about the new Ann Rice series outside of it currently being in development.

If those movies inspired you to begin researching the real life history of vampires, how many differences did you find between film and history?
Vampires have always been that image of seduction, horror and fear throughout the ages from the stories of the Strigoi to the tales of Elizabeth Bathory and Vlad Tepes. The real history of the Vampire are about as macabre as it gets, but I often wonder how much of it was chalked up to irrational fears. Villages would literally drive spikes into the arms and legs of reported vampires when they're buried in an attempt to keep them from arising. They mistook the body's natural decomposition process as the tale-tall signs of the person being a vampire; growing nails, facial hair, blood around the mouth, etc. At the time, they didn't understand that the skin shrinks back around the nails making it seem that the nails were still growing, that the face would shrink in giving the illusion that facial hair was still growing and that natural process of bleeding out of the mouth was common as embalming practices weren't practiced in some parts of the world. In modern times we in the Vampire Community know that we're only human and that we don't actually have super powers or special abilities. We are living vampires; we model ourselves after the archetype of what the Vampire is. It is a lifestyle choice but we really and truly do not believe we are the immortal blood suckers told in books like Dracula or seen in movies like Underworld with the undying hatred between the Vampires and Lycans; hate to break it to you folks, there's not an actual war between Vamps and Wolves.

Was your research from books or based on movies you’ve seen? What sources of information do you recommend?
I did a lot of research in both reading and watching movies. All I could really find was stories about Dracula and stories out of Romania that described the Strigoi and Moroi, another form of Vampire that is said to be a demon that can possess a body, mostly the bodies of bears. I watched Vincent Price's Dracula (1982) several times and did research to see how much of what Vincent Price talked about was true or just intended for story telling; what I found was pretty spot on to the history of Vlad Tepes and Bram Stoker's Dracula. I decided to then do my own research on Vlad Tepes and was completely blown away by how brutal this man was, but also by how much his persona changed from a historical figure to something of folklore. I definitely recommend watching every Dracula movie, including the Jonathan Rhys' Dracula series and I recommend watching Vincent Price's Dracula. For reading, though I am sure most have, reading Bram Stoker's Dracula and reading up on the Strigoi. I strongly encourage everyone do their own research on Dracula and draw their own conclusion on the man, the myth and the legend.

Cable outlets like the History Channel and A&E air quite a few documentaries about vampires. Which of these, if any, have you seen as part of your research?
I honestly don't remember all of the documentaries I've seen but there are a couple that stick out in my mind. I remember one I saw on A&E I think, that was called Vampires. It talked about actual history and some cinematic history. In fact, I did work on a Vampire documentary called "Vampire Evolution: From Monster to Seducer" as a cinematographer that talked about much of the same things and we interviewed numerous people about the topic of Vampirism in the old and modern world. I had a great time working on this documentary, but unfortunately it didn't do so well in the market I don't think and our pitch to the networks was rejected. I also was one of the directors for pilot episode for a series called "Eerie America: Travel Guide of the Macabre" that talked a lot about vampires and the occult but that as well didn't get picked up.

Do you feel your documentaries Vampire Evolution and Eerie America deserved more recognition? Are you selling copies on DVD? If so, how can people order them?
Naturally I'd love for them to get more recognition, but the experience within itself was rewarding enough. Vampire Evolution was an interesting project as Eric Vernor and I got to get coverage from various conventions and guest appearances to do the documentary. Eerie America was a pilot for a gothic and macabre travel show. Both projects were amazing and we're in the process of re-pitching Eerie America. You can go to and search for Vampire Evolution: From Monster to Seducer or you can follow the link

Describe the topics covered in your documentaries, and how informative you consider them.
In Vampire Evolution, Eric talks about how the image of the vampire went from being that of a truly evil and macabre figure in history to the widely accepted image that is today with movies such as Underworld and dare I say Twilight. The vampire within itself has become a sort of household name, one that many view to be sexy and astonishingly beautiful, and Vampire Evolution covers that journey from Monster to Seducer. Eerie America followed the hosts Eric Vernor and Kevin Eads though some of the macabre and strange places within the United States from haunted inns to creepy museums that feature grotesque and odd displays. Eerie America is unfortunately unavailable to view at the moment and we're looking to film some more for it and push it out sometime next year. I think both of these projects are very informative and show the darker side of life in this country, which is not something that is widely seen.

How much online research of vampire communities did you do before finding the House of Lore and the House of Sahjaza?
I mostly watched Youtube videos on it and talked with other like minds in chat rooms and community pages. I learned little things like etiquette and a little bit of our history, but I really didn't get a whole lot of answers to the questions I was after. I think maybe I annoyed a few people with my constant messages. Eventually a friend of mine, who is an Elder, pointed me in the direction of Maven, the now King of the Vampire Court of New Orleans. Through King Maven, I have learned a lot and have gained some experiences and friendships that are completely out of this world. Goddess Rosemary seemed to have taken a liking to me as she invited me to pledge to the House of Sahjaza. I have been working diligently alongside King Maven to help him build the Vampire Court of New Orleans up and helping him and King Logan South with the Blood Lust Vampire Ball, an annual ball that takes place here in New Orleans Halloween weekend. It's been an interesting journey and I am sure things are only just getting started.

How much experiences have you had after meeting King Maven? Talk about the Vampire Court of New Orleans?
Meeting Maven was a turning point in my life and I got to experience what the Vampire Community was really like. I remember back during the Blood Lust Vampire Ball here in New Orleans, Maven Lore was Coronated as King of New Orleans I this is when I got to meet Goddess Rosemary for the first time as well as Logan and Daley South. I only heard stories of Logan and Daley from my good friend Michelle Belanger and it was a divine pleasure meeting them. We stayed in a Castle here during the Ball and there were fangs as far as the eye can see. So many people from so many different backgrounds all coming together as the Vampire Community and everyone was dressed in their absolute best and I didn't know how to react. It was like sensory overload. The Vampire Court of New Orleans is starting to come together as a strong community and we're growing every single month. We are truly diverse and that diversity is what makes us great. We all come from a creative background and Maven treats us all as equals and gives us all a voice. We're currently starting the process of planning for this year's Blood Lust Vampire Ball. We're always accepting new members and if the readers want to follow us, they can check us out on Facebook at and Twitter at and Things are about to get interesting for us, you don't want to miss out.

Describe the Blood Lust Vampire Balls, and present examples of the diversity you’ve seen at these events.
The Blood Lust Vampire Balls are the creation of Maven Lore and Logan South that take place each year during the Halloween weekend here in New Orleans. I help with the photography and videography for the Ball. The theme alternates from year to year and takes place in the finest places in New Orleans. In my opinion, the Blood Lust Vampire Ball is one of the premier Vampire Balls in North America and it draws a lot of people from across the United States. The diversity at Blood Lust is incredible; we have people of every race, multiple ethnicities and religions, various lifestyles. We all come from very different backgrounds but we come together as one unified community. I immediately felt at home at Blood Lust with so many like-minded people around me. I was able to get some of my friends from the Paranormal Community to come to the last Ball and they all had a wonderful time.

Are videos from the Vampire Balls posted where people who haven’t attended can watch them?
There are, but they are all currently being edited into a longer format for us to upload to Youtube and Patreon. I will be posting updates on our social media as updates are available.

How soon do you expect you Vampire Ball videos to be available on social media? What do you expect people making the effort will get from watching them?
They should be coming out little by little over the next few months, but I am uncertain of a specific time frame. I hope that those who watch the videos get to see the beauty and amazing time we had at Blood Lust as well as to draw some attention for our next one this year. Our ultimate goal is to get more patrons and grow in size. We will also be doing more video and photo work for this year.

How did you meet Goddess Rosemary at the BLVB? Have you been involved in any activities with her since then?
Goddess Rosemary and various other members were at the last year’s Blood Lust Vampire Ball. I had always heard her name around the VC and when I was introduced to her, my jaw kinda dropped. It was a surreal experience because I was around people that I had heard of but never had a chance to meet, but I held it together and worked on my photography for the event. I had always worked with celebrities due to my work in the film industry from NCIS: New Orleans to AMC's Preacher and that never really got to me, but being around Goddess Rosemary was rather surreal. While I had time to talk to her, I developed a rather good connection and I had the wonderful opportunity of enjoying breakfast with her and Walter. She is an absolute joy to be around and is arguably one of the best people I've ever met in my life. We've stayed in contact and I'm working on developing a couple of projects that include her and the House of Sahjaza and I’m working hard to bring these projects to television.

What did you see in Goddess Rosemary that you didn’t see in other celebrities?
The moment I met Goddess Rosemary she had open arms and was more welcoming than anyone I've ever met. She was truly interested in what I had to say and didn't treat me like I was an outsider. I immediately felt I was a part of the family. The following morning, she invited me to sit with her and Walter for breakfast and she wanted to know my full life story and didn't let me skip out on the details. I've met very few celebrities and very important people that took a genuine interest in people outside of their inner circle and who accepts virtually everyone with open arms. It took maybe a month and a half of knowing her before she made me a part of the House of Sahjaza, an honor I felt that I did not think I deserved in the slightest. She re-assured me that I was a good choice to have in the House of Sahjaza and that I had a lot of potential and room to grow in the community. I'm very proud to call Goddess Rosemary my Dark Mother, both titles are something she's earned a thousand times over from everyone in this community.

Describe the length of your involvement in the House of Sahjaza, and activities you have undertaken as a member.
I am on the temple side of the House of Sahjaza, growing and developing as a Pagan and learning more about the Occult. I think I have grown substantially not only as a Pagan but also as a person as the atmosphere is amazing and very conducive to growth. Since I've joined, I've been doing what I can to benefit the House of Sahjaza and the House of Lore in the media sense. I am still pretty new to the House of Sahjaza so over time I will be getting more and more involved. I'd say that my goal with the House of Sahjaza is to become a truly better person and learn all that I can from Goddess Rosemary and also help her in anyways she sees fit; my goals are not geared toward achieving ranks, positions and titles.

How many opportunities have you had to represent the House of Sahjaza and the House of Lore in the media?
I do a lot of acting for network television shows and I have worn my Vampire Court of New Orleans court sigil on set for various productions to include NCIS: New Orleans and Hulu's The First. Each time I appear on camera I am presenting the Vampire Court of New Orleans, The House of Lore and The House of Sahjaza. I have also worn my fangs on set of NCIS: New Orleans on several occasions and caught the attention of Scott Bakula (Star Trek Enterprise, NCIS: New Orleans, Quantum Leap) and he was rather impressed with the craftsmanship of the fangs. Each time I am on set or working in some capacity in the film industry, I am representing the court, The House of Lore and the House of Sahjaza.

Can you name any events you have helped arrange as a member of the House of Sahjaza?
Currently I am only setting up events with the House of Lore and the Vampire Court of New Orleans, however the year is still young and there's plenty of work to be done. We just set up our Crimson Night event for Valentine’s Day at Spirits on Bourbon in the French Quarter and we're currently working on setting up other events throughout the Quarter and City. I am currently working on something great for either next year or the year after but I am keeping that on the down low for a while until I get everything set in stone but what I can say is I hope everyone has their passports and has a thirst for adventure.

What can you tell the readers concerning your future activities with the House of Sahjaza and the House of Lore?
The future is going to be eventful and there will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to get in on what we have going on. We are in the process of getting ready for Blood Lust 2018 as well as some local parties throughout the year. I am going to be working steadily to benefit both houses, however each day will be presenting its own unique challenges and each day is a learning experience that will allow me to grow as an individual and as a member of these two great houses. The future is a mystery and I can't wait to solve its puzzle.

-Dave Wolff

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