Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Full Length Review: UBUREN "And The Mountains Weep" (Independent) by Devin Joseph Meaney

Country: Norway
Genre: Black/viking metal
Full Length: And The Mountains Weep
Label: Independent
Format: CD, streaming
Release date: April 13, 2019
After a busy day and some barbecue (yes, I love my barbecue) I stood at my computer and threw on ''And The Mountains Weep'' by Uburen. The sound of the music was not exactly what I was expecting for Viking inspired tunes, but overall, it was quite pleasurable to check out these tracks. Black metal is one of my favorite genres to listen to, even though I am very picky with it. I will also add that I am genuinely interested in Viking folklore, so the combination of the two made for an enjoyable experience. ''And The Mountains Weep'' is the third full length album from Uburen, and from what I can hear, they without question have a firm grasp on their own particular style of playing and lyricism. As stated on their Bandcamp, Uburen is a band ''with an ideology of resurfacing the Viking folklore with a serious sound and focus on the darker and melancholic parts. The music is ferocious and harsh, but is full of underlying melodies that adds a real majestic and monumental feel.'' I can agree that the ferocity and harshness of the music and vocals is quite evident, and the ''underlying melodies'' add a nice touch. The last few bands I listened to have reminded me of old friends of mine, and this band is no exception. The clean vocals/spoken parts remind me of my brother in arms Seagull (Devin) Stoddard, who has played with Unbidden, Stragdaahk, Proctophobic (my old band) and a hefty handful of other live acts and recording projects. In general, I can say that Uburen is a talented band with depressive yet emotionally inspiring songs, and the tightness of the music is well worth a mention. Another thing I can add is that the cover art for this release is striking and sincerely foreboding, adding to the feelings and themes put together behind this album. I suggest that fans of music on the blackened side give these guys a listen, as their approach to the genre is somewhat unique and does not disappoint. Great music, Uburen! -Devin Joseph Meaney

Track list:
1. Oskoreia
2. Remembrance
3. Entrance to Valhalla
4. Fimbul
5. Fredlaus
6. The Mountains Weep
7. Valkyri
8. Huldra
9. Into the Void

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