Monday, December 2, 2019

Band Review: OLIGARKII by Kelly Tee

Location: Newcastle
Country: Australia
Genre: Black metal
I'm discovering some absolute gems from my home town of Newcastle, Australia. Keep your ears to the ground for Oligarkii, blackened extreme metal band who are set for big things in 2020.
To date they have released two unique, weighted, menacingly dark and eerie tracks and here are my thoughts:
Let's start with Plague Masked Reaper. As I listened loud with my headphones on, this track truly engulfed me with its largely grim and malevolent sound. The vocal style projected here is extremely low, guttural and fucking beastly. It's impossible not to screw your face up to this sound with sheer heavy metal delight. The bass is absolutely off its face, prominent and opaque to a backdrop of ominous symphonic elements, drum tracks causing chaos and haunting lyrics around death, decay, and delightful darkness of course! Riffage is deliciously intense, creative and attention-grabbing. This entire composition excites me! The mash-up of tempo changes throughout this track worked so well creating good suspense and surprise, with striking movements of guitar solos and soundscapes crafting an unearthly and haunting ambiance.
Forest Of Ancient Graves is equally as prophetic, yet offers a difference from the track before, with the musicianship leaning toward even more doom, showcasing a tight and heavy groove flow of callousness with hymns void of any light and vocals that growl, spit and hiss across this track in a ritualistic manner. This number spirals deep down into an abyss of heavy as hell riffs, gothic sounding synth, thumping big drum tracks with an overall stunningly intense atmosphere. Oh, this is dark, this is very dark, carrying foreboding and emotive melody and a powerful metal injection as it ramps up to hectic and fast from time to time. That bass... that bass... so intrusive and threatening. A killer listen.
Both tracks are blackened, deathly and immaculately executed with a very crisp production and if this is a sign of what is to come from Oligarkii, well, then shit... I can't wait.
Guys, take a listen - these two tracks are on Spotify and please share your thoughts. -Kelly Tee

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