Saturday, January 28, 2023

Poem: 'Churn The Fires' by Sky Claudette Soto

Churn The Fires
by Sky Claudette Soto

And Only to turn my rig
ht leg up behind me inverted into dancer's pose while kyanite sweeps through my tempestuous soul, I am centered in, inside of this most blessed wheel, that begins to turn...birthing forth a new Sun ...Godlike in many ways...
manifesting through my open heart, whispering through my solar plexus ...can you hear me?
as I glide across an iced path....
now frosted over in frozen snow,
as this torch of light that I grasp unto my hands
Let's me know that everything is returning once again during this time period of the shortest of days,
And in these darkest of hours we journey on our sacred paths betwixt
thine longest of nights we journey
back home again returning to churn our sacred fires to balance our sacred souls

First American Publishing rights only, Copyright and written by Sky Claudette Soto.

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