Friday, July 14, 2023

Poem "As I Drift!": by Rich Orth

As I Drift!
©Rich Orth 3/16/2023 7:25pm

Now I lay me down
slumber overtaking
Fears of never waking
As I drift
further and further into this undertaking
Soon I hear not a sound
I sense there's no mistaking
life is but here for their taking
As I drift
farther and farther into this undertaking

Labored was my breath
Darkness began to swallow
Guiding light slowly faded
leaving my spirit jaded
As my soul now
Hovering above
this husk...fleshen shell
as I drift
closer and closer to their Hell

They told me as a boy
Life passes before your eyes
So, I sealed them shut
That seemed to have been enough
as my joys had
Yet these horrors sped by
... uncut, graphically I am felled
as I drift
deeper and deeper into my Hell

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dave...I appreciate your interest in my work and it's a pleasure to share!
