Thursday, November 16, 2023

"Welcome to our November Dark Moon Ritual" by Liath Sahjaza

Welcome to our November Dark Moon Ritual.
By Liath Sahjaza of Temple House Sahjaza

This Dark Moon falls in Scorpio, so this elemental water sign's energy is expected to be prominent in our lives. Scorpio aligns with intimacy, sexuality, assets, control, power, money, sharing, and investments, things to think about as we take our inner journey.

Dark Moons can open a cosmic door that had been previously closed to us, depending on the ability to work through our own insecurities. It is important to strike a balance between what we give and receive, so practice self-care, find your center, and be aware of your emotions and surroundings. Even if you feel provoked, practice mindfulness and be compassionate to yourself and others. This is a thing I, personally, must constantly work on.

Scorpio energies favor working on our self-mastery skills. So, as we take time to go inside, maybe pinpoint those things that make us feel out of control, such as addictions and debts, and work on freeing ourselves of these emotional burdens.

This Dark Moon cycle is also opportune for exploring what is missing in our lives that leads us to engage in these self-destructive behaviors. This can be an opportunity to rid ourselves of junk in our live, both material and spiritual. With this potent Scorpio energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives.

Each sign’s energies can teach us valuable things if we are open to learning, and one of Scorpio’s lessons involves learning to dig deeper into the mysteries around us. Taking the time to understand others’ motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and meaning. My tendency has always been to react with, “How dare you do that to me!”, instead of trying to understand why, so this is where I have to work harder.

We might want to use this cycle to focus on and develop one special project or relationship to help add purposefulness and depth to our lives.

It can also be a time to seek ways to release our fear of confrontations and heavy emotional situations. I’ve learned that, although they may be uncomfortable, these situations can lead us toward psychological healing and much needed change.

I hope we all can take the energies of Scorpio and apply them to our personal needs and be ready for new beginnings energy of tomorrow’s New Moon.

Much love to you all,
HEOP Liath Sahjaza

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