Friday, May 17, 2024

EP Review: Fadead "Fadead" (Independent) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Fadead
Location: Erba
Country: Italy
Genre: Grindcore
EP: Fadead
Format: Digital
Label: Independent
Release date: March 25, 2024
After a lazy day I made my way to YouTube. Recently for music I have been relying on the old trusty Gore Grinder account and Felopunk. Tonight is one of those nights where Gore Grinder fits the bill!
I came to the 2024 self titled EP by Fadead! This is a short EP filled to the brim with straight grinding! Not feeling like listening to a full-length it was the perfect release for me to sit down and give it a solid view!
This EP has three tracks titled 1, 11 and 111. After that they grace us with an Insect Warfare cover! Each burst of grind is short but everything is put together well and the musicianship is tight and nowhere near amateurish! Vocally and with guitar tone I am reminded of Mortician in parts—if Mortician played really short songs!
The band started in 2021 and this is their third release. As this is my first listen I can say wherever the band started—where they have ended up is pretty cool. Nowhere near the best grind I have ever heard but you can tell that effort and time went into creating this for us!
As the EP is so short just give it a listen? And if you don’t like it—you can move on to something else! -Devin J. Meaney

V.: Vocals
G.: Guitar, bass, drum programming

Track list:
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. Zone Killer (Insect Warfare Cover)

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