Monday, January 30, 2023

Full Length Review: Pete Berwick "Give It Time" (Shotgun Records) by Devin J. Meaney

Artist: Pete Berwick
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Country: USA
Genre: Alt rock, punk, country
Full length: Give It Time
Format: Digital
Label: Shotgun Records
Release date: January 1, 2010
Years ago I was introduced to the music of Pete Berwick. Now that we are in the grasp of 2023 his tunes still grace my CD player and I can say without a doubt it hits just as hard as it did over a decade ago. As I sit writing this I am currently listening to “Give it Time”, my favourite album from Berwick’s catalogue.
With notable tracks like “Renegade”, “Is That What You’re Telling Me” and “Won’t Give It Up” Berwick slays through a barrage of overdrive laden rockers—with some of the other tracks even having a mellower edge. For rock and rollers, punks and metal-heads alike this album is a perfect example of something that is unquestionably timeless—and I daresay you should give this record a listen for yourself.
Some of Pete’s other music veers away from the overdrive and has more of a “country-ish” twang—but don’t be mistaken. With all the force of a bulldozer driven by a rum-drunk garbage pirate Pete manages to keep his “underground” vibe strong while still managing to attain more streamlined airplay.
Aside from music Pete is also a writer, an actor, and a million other things. It would take weeks of typing to fully credit Pete’s I will just close by stating that Pete’s talent is unending and any publicity he gets is well deserved. To make a final conclusion...listen to “Give it Time” or any of Pete’s other albums—and hit up his website and show some support! -Devin J. Meaney

Track list:
1. Renegade
2. I Keep Waiting
3. Is That What You're Tellin' Me
4. Won't Give It Up
5. Give It Time
6. My Heart Is On Hold
7. Can I Smile Today
8. Beer
9. Falling From The Circle Of Love
10. The Sadness In Your Eyes
11. When

Demo Review: Human Dissention "Total War" (Independent) by Brynn Kali StarDew

Band: Human Dissention
Location: Rochester, New York
Country: USA
Genre: Blackened death metal, grindcore
Demo: Total War
Format: Digital
Label: Independent
Release date: March 10, 2016
The intro track "Visceral Display of Warfare” to this album reminds me a lot of Cannibal Corpse style Grindcore, but with less growly vocals which are almost completely understandable. The Drums are probably the most interesting part. Honestly, it wasn’t that bad but I just wasn’t really that impressed either. It gets interesting around 2:40 though when they start their guitar melody. I would have liked to see this produced better, but that's not what music is really supposed to be about in my opinion. To sum it up I have to say it's a very good metal band, but with a little hammering out and polishing they could be better. The next track “Absolution of Earth" wasn't really much better, I honestly thought it was the same song at first but I had to check when I noticed the level of growling had slightly increased.
“Ingrained Apathy for Mankind” this track is basically the same but starts to get interesting around 2:40 (I’m starting to notice a theme here) when it starts to get quicker and more hardcore. The final track “Victory Over Life” was pretty good, typical ramping up the tempo again at around 2:40 is definitely a solid metal track which is on the same level as System of Down in terms of overall quality but I do feel as they are lacking overall production sadly. I’m just saying a music video or two would really go a long way to express this Thrash/Punk/Grindcore style of Metal music. -Brynn Kali StarDew

C.O.N.Q.U.E.R.: Vocals
R.A.V.A.G.E.: Vocals, guitars
Chainsaw: Bass
T.O.R.T.U.R.E: Drums

Track list:
1. Visceral Display of Warfare
2. Absolution of Earth
3. Ingrained Apathy for Mankind
4. Victory Over Life

Web links:

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Poem: Untitled by Robert McDermott

Robert McDermott

If you can't sleep
your mind is deep

racing and chasing
errant thoughts

you feel lost
it is a high cost

a busy mind
can be unkind

close your eyes
take deep breathes

quiet the madness
to cease sadness
stop rumination
there will be illumination

Poem: 'Persephone Says' by Alison Stone

Persephone Says
by Alison Stone

Do not blame the pomegranate.
I belong to this world
no matter what I ate.
I took its substance as my own.

Mother, I would have smothered in
your garden, crowned with your lilies,
pollen staining my skin. Then
an old crow wrote with beating wings:
The one way out is down.

There is in every living thing
a dark place where the truth is known.

I'm alone here. Ashes fill my mouth,
I'm cold, my husband's hands are bone.
in every room, snakes' gold eyes shine
and there is only death
but Mother, death is mine.

Poem: 'Devil' by Jeremy Void

by Jeremy Void

The world is spinning
I stare into the abyss

I watch as the colors
of a fading bliss

transform deeply
through devious

means of madness
Shadowed by comfort

I walk a fine line
besmirching my genius
Wallowing in what
some have succumb to

in a world of fear
vanity & pride

My eyes burn with
delight as I stab my throat

time&time again
The blood coats

the brown leather sofa
as I peer into

a manic dreaminess
Draped with death

I walk largely across
the bony cobblestones

My thoughts stunted
like we’ve surpasses

the lines of normality
I play ball

with the soldiers from
forbidden throngs

Poem: 'Remember when' by Jeremy Void

Remember when
by Jeremy Void

Remember when
we had lives
and we could go out
into the world
and live them

Remember when there
was a pandemic
and our lives were halted
and everyone everywhere
got locked inside
for as long as I can remember

Remember when they
poked us with
a needle so that
everything could go back
to normal but still
with realistic wariness
because socializing has become
alien and I can’t remember
any of my friends’ names
or faces
or interests
or anything

and now I stare out my window
wanting to leave my home
just for an evening
but I forgot how to
go outside
and I’m scared of everything
and everyone
and I feel hopeless
and alienated
and I forgot how to be
an actual human being
I’ve always been

an anxious person
but now it’s worse

Remember when they told us
the world was ending and I
believed them
and now they say
the world is back to normal
but I know it’s all a setup
because it hasn’t ended fast enough
but I believe

it already has
We’re all just too dumb and stubborn
to see it for

Poem: 'Churn The Fires' by Sky Claudette Soto

Churn The Fires
by Sky Claudette Soto

And Only to turn my rig
ht leg up behind me inverted into dancer's pose while kyanite sweeps through my tempestuous soul, I am centered in, inside of this most blessed wheel, that begins to turn...birthing forth a new Sun ...Godlike in many ways...
manifesting through my open heart, whispering through my solar plexus ...can you hear me?
as I glide across an iced path....
now frosted over in frozen snow,
as this torch of light that I grasp unto my hands
Let's me know that everything is returning once again during this time period of the shortest of days,
And in these darkest of hours we journey on our sacred paths betwixt
thine longest of nights we journey
back home again returning to churn our sacred fires to balance our sacred souls

First American Publishing rights only, Copyright and written by Sky Claudette Soto.

Poem: 'Sugarmama' by Judge Santiago Burdon

by Judge Santiago Burdon

I need a sugar mama, someone to take care of me
let me drink in the bar, drive her Porsche car
watch her big screen TV
when my pockets don't jingle
She'll always spot me a couple of bucks
She'll never ask where I've been
but when I do come in
she can always count on my love
as long as her checks don't bounce
she doesn't have to be pretty
Beauty is nothing money can't buy
I can picture me in her Jacuzzi
living the easy life
Say I'm a fool for money
I've been a bigger fool for love
Why should I give it away
when I can make it pay
and enjoy working overtime
Not worried about nickels and dimes
I need me a sugar momma
take me under her wing
I'll kiss her hand
I'll say yes ma'am
won't curse in front of her friends
We'll vacation down in Barbados
getting suntanned on her yacht
with a beer in my hand
I'll think of my friends
and everything they ain't got
I'll be happy believe it or not
Sugar mama I'll do just what I'm told
Sugar Mama I'll be your country boy gigolo
I'll throw away my boots and jeans
Shave and wear a Tuxedo.
even learn the Tango
and teach you how to
Cotton Eye Joe.
Sugar momma take me home.

Poem: 'The Plan' by Alison Stone

The Plan
by Alison Stone

I’m in the hospital with kidney stones,
my friend texts. I struggle to keep reading --
spring suns blurs the screen
despite my cupped hand and the dog
tugs at her leash – first warm week
and so much to smell.
I start to put the phone away
but see leukemia, which I guess
they found because of the stones.

My dad’s co-worker was driving when his heart stopped.
The crash jolted it back to beating. His other friend
collapsed on a treadmill and never got up.
Some people believe in a god
with a plan and rewards for the good,
prayer helping (perhaps mitigating death to a bad flu)
except when it doesn’t. Maybe the best plan
is to follow the dog’s agitated tail
toward Hook Mountain’s base, and stop
as I do every morning and look up –
two hawks earnestly circling,
snow finally melted from the peak.

Poem: 'Voices' by Sky Claudette Soto

by Sky Claudette Soto

I hear voices in my head where did you go,
trident of healers
can you hear me ...psalms speak to me with swirling large horns miraculously whispering chants as I swallow and follow the northern star 🌟 evening star ... star... of variable light ... polaris entertwined in a rotational axis as the earthen.. earth turns ...I turn twisting about with each star tracing circular images amongst the evening sky stillness takes place as the northern star in place.. a triple star.. my eyes eyes see a triple star 🌟 a guiding light...guiding me.. physically, mentally, spirituality and emotionally ..hail the traveler wiping each tear that drops like rose quartz, into the great ocean and washes away,beneath the tides.

First American Publishing rights only! Copyright and written by Sky Claudette Soto Jan.2023

Poem: 'R.E.D. (Remember Everyone Deployed) Acts 1 and 2' by Tanner Reiss

R.E.D. (Remember Everyone Deployed) Acts 1 and 2
by Tanner Reiss

I am not a hero
I am not made of stone
Take my statue down
I am alive, I survived
I love you
I hate you
I need you
But I'm not with you
I'm about to drown
Take my statue down!
Fight not for your place
Fight not to win this race
Fight not to fight
Ignite your light
To persevere that
Which yee doth not
Deserve. Serve to
Preserve the Mother
Of Nature,
Beauty in her simplicity.
Fight not for thy who
Survived, honour

Them not alive.
I love you
I hate you
I need you
But I'm not with you
I'm about to drown
Take my statue down!
Chaos of the calm,
Calm in the storm
Haunted by the sworm
Whirlwind hellfire
Now the norm
Encircle and wreathe
Seethe whilst I breathe.
I am not a hero
I am not made of stone
Take my statue down.
I am alive, I survived
I love you
I hate you
I need you
But I'm not with you

I am about to drown
Take that goddamn statue down!
Take this time to have a dance
Make this rhyme toll into a chance
Take this time to fall into trance
Spin and swirl, whirl and twirl
Forgotten son, Fallen girl
Float away so you may unfurl
I am sorry you could not save this world

Hurled into senseless battle
Souls, nerves, your brains rattle
But still you stood atop that hill
Wounded and hurt,
You tasted the dirt
Defending your fort
By explosion and eruption
A union of protection
Forged to become brethren
A brethern of R.E.D.

Take this time to have a dance
Make this rhyme toll into a chance
Take this time to fall into trance
Spin and swirl, whirl and twirl
Forgotten son, Fallen girl
Why is the world so cruel?
Why did we decieve the Golden Rule?
Fires burn, stomachs churn,
Off the highway, into Hell we turn
Chaos and violence we yearn
Now reap what we doth earn

Sacrifice, rank, name I learn
Please, God, let us never return.
Exclaimed in proclamation
"Claim not one more Nation!"
Forged to become brethern
A brethern of R.E.D.

Stand down, Soldier, please.
Calm your heart to ease

Rest amongst the trees
See how they swim like seas?
Eclipsing the hell you have seen
Elysium releasing crimson
Escape your mental prison
Angels in the clouds
Know you doth hath made us proud!
Take this time to have a dance
Make this rhyme toll into chance
Take this time to fall into trance
Wounded and hurt
You tasted the dirt
Defending your fort
By explosion and eruption
Forged to become brethren
A brethern of R.E.D

A brethern of R.E.D
Remember Everyone Deployed
Spin and swirl, whirl and twirl
Fallen girl, Forgotten son
Lay down your heavy gun
Your fight is finally done
Remember Everyone Deployed
May peace be the next war employed.

March 31st, 2022

Poem: 'Poseidon' by Tanner Reiss

by Tanner Reiss

Hold me down
Make me drown
Out at sea
Don't you see
I am Poseidon!

Positioned beside
Where your hate
Resides in.
Crawling inside
Your jaded mind
To blind your eyes
Until you realize
Stormy skies
Are not a disguise.

Hold me down
Make me drown
Out at sea
Don't you see
I am Poseidon!

Refuse to be captured
For whom I admire
Desire enraptured
Fire unmeasured
I will not crack in
The grips of Kraken
Look in my eyes
And see tides rise
Realize you cannot

Hold me down
Make me drown
Out at sea
Don't you see
I am Poseidon!?

God, Judge, Jury
With unmatched fury
Inarguable history
A lifetime of evidence
To prove your silence
Leads to others violence

Every committed murder
Each pulled trigger
A bolt of lightning
A round of thunder.

Hold me down
Make me drown
Out at sea
Don't you see
I am Poseidon!

Positioned beside
Where your hate
Resides in.
Crawling inside
Your jaded mind
To blind your eyes
Until you realize
Stormy skies
Are YOUR disguise.

Hold US down
Make US drown
Out at sea
Can't you see
WE are Poseidon!

July 6th, 2022

Poem: 'Street Scene' by Steven Michael Pape

Street Scene
by Steven Michael Pape

Graffiti tags, faded, diluted,
Washed by the rain,
Dirty, polluted.
People scrape ice,
From car windscreens,
And shake their heads,
Of forgotten dreams.
The workers don't walk,
But just amble along,
Their ears are full,
Of musical song,
To drown out the noise,
That their brain replays,
Another shift, another day.
Dogs are walked,
At this ungodly time,
Many pavements,
And hills to climb.
Buses roll past,
All masks and eyes,
Hiding the mouths,
And the yawns demise.
The shops are open,
Selling red top rags, Spewing their lies,
Into recycling bags.
The Mornings cold,
And black as tar,
The journeys endless,
It seems too far.
But all of us,
Still with hopes and dreams,
A tired collective,
Walking this street scene.

Poem: 'I hold them inside' by Steven Michael Pape

I hold them inside
by Steven Michael Pape

I hold them inside my beating heart,
Remembering the good times,
And the many sad years apart,
The inscribed stone,
A fresh bunch of lilies,
I talk through the earth,
On every single visit.
Leaving incense smouldering,
Into the Autumn breeze,
Transcending my thoughts,
That disappear with the wind,
Past the resting places,
Of God's little babes,
The windmills & teddies,
That distraught Parents have made,
Through the ornate gates,
Where so many have passed,
Past the statues and crosses,
That were built to last.
All of us with the memories,
That where there at the start,
We'll always hold these thoughts,
Inside our beating hearts.

Poem: 'Fluffy White Lies!' by Rich Orth

Fluffy White Lies!
by Rich Orth, 09/06/2022 7:05pm

Little fluffy white lies
urging existence
fulfilling needs
purging resistance
distilling feeds
A cure-all
for wicked little things
Yes, fluffy white lies
This beacon....
No, bacon of conversation
delicious, somewhat salacious
Yes...fluffy white lies
How they tie
a story
into knots
...or to a desired end
How supportive
these fluffy little friends
can be...
who can resist
like lemon twist or just as easily
stabbing tongue
takes an evil tryst
and fluffy white lie
into its nasty little
black cloud of despair
So, keep it real
Keep it cuddly
Cause those
little fluffy white lies
if you so chose
help you to survive

Poem: 'Faithful Friend!' by Rich Orth

Faithful Friend!
by Rich Orth

From out of the Mist
We finally emerge
Man and faithful friend
Out of the darkness we converge
Escaped the hauntings
...Demons within
Walk towards the light
With a creature akin
To the world we share
Care as we go
To the world we share
Dream I never outgrow

Poem: 'Kaleidoscope Feelings' by Robert McDermott

Kaleidoscope Feelings
by Robert McDermott

Forgotten dreams
Lost visions
Parents of whispering emotions

Thought precedes them
Colors to mesh
Put them in motion

Mind bleeds feelings
Self identity
Is an apparition

Poem: 'Gradual Unravelling' by Alan Lisanti

Gradual Unravelling
by Alan Lisanti

Your seams are bleeding final threads before me
The hottest show in town
The best seats in the house
Spilled into my lap in the front row
What happens when they kill the lights
And cue the curtains
Sometimes you can see your destination
In every blind spot of a winding road
Well now you've welcomed my participation
Broke the fourth wall and we're all biting our tongues, engaged and invested in the situation
It never felt like it, but I had a role
Reciting dialogues to move the story forward
Into a climatic fury so imminent
And apparent
But all warnings were merely figments
Of my paranoid imagination
All signs never put the bitter end
In plain English
Spelled out to my detriment
Spoken slowly...clearly
This, like a monstrous locomotive
Stayed the course fixated on destination
Was a false fire alarm
In an unnamed hotel thought to be vacant
But pyromaniacs have no business
With a heart full of gasoline, pyrotechnics, and matches
It was primed for the barn-burnt finale
Intended as sure-shot liberation
Severance of the frayed strings of puppets
Amputation of a lifelong connection
A dose of purity from flesh that was tainted
A man overboard with one life jacket
That you stowed away in anticipation
I'll swim for the nearest shore surely
Drift in the currents, unbound
Your seams are all but un-threaded
I witnessed the deterioration
I couldn't slow it down
I redirected the doom impending
But I'm just a ripple in your ocean
And all the world's butterflies flap their wings in unison now
The sensation of fingertips slipping
The distance has since grown profound
Suppose then I'll just watch it happen
Helplessly as it goes down

Poem: 'Unearthing the Half in the Grave' by Alan Lisanti

Unearthing the Half in the Grave
by Alan Lisanti

Stagnancy worn like liquid concrete
Dried and adhered to glued together flesh
Inaction adorned like freshly poured mixtures
By-products of survival and self-imposed slavery
Chipping the finality away
Rat race virtuoso
Fallout repair and recalibration
Limbs like slabs of Stonehenge
Conscience crooked and angled by corrosion
Incalculable foreign languages
Wonders of the world beyond comprehension
Magic wand tip of the hat to rabbits
And handkerchiefs that burst from seams of pockets lined for infinity
It's magical, alien hybrid sophisticated wizardry
Things beyond my grasp that I fail to understand
Caterpillar feasts on cocoon sanctuary
Half step from cannibalism
Chewing my fingers and pushing my boundaries
All from a fortress of solitude
Where time slowly claims my bones
'Neath the blanket of fresh desert sands
Ladder climb rungs against laws of gravity
Transport to a dark and mysterious elsewhere
Trick vision to ignore current calamity
Bait and switch to escape the looming despair
Options swallowed too by end games and obstacles
Fake right fall left nobody even cares
Difference minor hope disguised in bleakness for futures unguaranteed
Rise and shine with tired eyes
Auto-pilot shenanigans
Feast of deception
Know my belly still bare
Distract mind with the only true form of hocus pocus medicine
Distortion and thunder squeezed from rhythm and melodies
Six strings and four strings
And bastardized frequencies
Relatable forms of soothing savagery
Keep me plugged in to the stereo
33 and a third rotates in high definition
Injections of reinvigoration
Blips above the flat line
Half-conscious and aware
I still get overwhelmed with this sensation that I evaporate
But flooded with sound waves
Crash into my cranium
Knock loose the imminent and all together inevitable
Of disappearance faded from the rush of fresh air
Serves to remind purpose has been discarded here
A torture in ways and a focus forebears
I'm only alive when I can make the thunder bleed
Only myself when my fingers walk on maple necks
Only complete when new noise eats the air
Not an option detractors, call it necessity
Music the well under limestone hidden 'neath overgrowth
Tapping the Earth and the soil to infinity
Sustaining the wanderer and the artificial stimulants
Containing the flames in glass jars stripped of oxygen
To carry on anyway content through the vicious teeth
Churning my spirit in the mouths of nothingness
To wilt for their pleasure
I'll not be the tragedy
So long as these instruments
Dissect advancements towards atrophy
Reanimated, resuscitated and rewriting the prophecy
Alter the course towards redemption
From reality akin to living nightmare

Poem/Lyric: 'Ecdysis' by Erik Leviathan

by Erik Leviathan

I wear this stain that you left upon my sleeve
For the life you took away I grieve
There was a time that I loved with a pure heart, there was a time that I believed, that I believed in everything.
And then this world, took and crushed my being

I dream of past lives, awaiting the moment to arrive!
My ambitions have been crushed
I see my dreams turn to dust!

My ambitions have been crushed
I see my dreams turn to dust!
Nothing is tangible anymore
Only this hatred that burns in my soul, for a world I use to know.

There was a time that I loved with a pure heart, there was a time that I believed, that I believed in everything.
And then this twisted world, took and crushed my being

Poem/Lyric: 'Master And Slave' by Erik Leviathan

Master And Slave
by Erik Leviathan

Zombified progeny
prospective student to the art of suffering
Humanity is just a better verse for master and slave!
The tyrant's sickness forcing us into our smoldering grave.

Will this idiocy ever be laid to rest?
Silence the Iron hand oppressing that which is not meant to be oppressed!
If this is what you call humanity the Gods are simply not impressed!

Striving to break the chain of misery, agonies mistress a theatrical delight
Planting the illusion of a better day into our brains yet the sickness and the illusion remains the same!

Prey upon the weakest minds, line your pockets with Judas gold, twisted fascist moralist!
your deceit is just too much to digest

Look into the minds of men and you will find
All the plagues of mankind

Zombified progeny
prospective student to the art of suffering
Humanity is just a better verse for master and slave!

Poem: 'Pale Horse' by Jerry Langdon

Pale Horse
by Jerry Langdon

Beyond the cross which lies
Pressed 'gainst weeping skies
Where mourning shadows drape
Are spirits wishing to escape
Who follow you home
Who in darkness roam
'Til the pale horse comes
'Til the mental state numbs

Wraiths of memories in gray
Phantoms from a sorrowed day
Regret and a heart of pain
Cling to you like a stain
They are blood and tears
They are all your fears
And the pale horse comes
And the mental state numbs

I vow that I shall escape
Where mourning shadows drape
Pressed 'gainst weeping skies
Beyond where the cross lies

© Jerry Langdon 2022

Poem: 'Whirlwind Descent' by Jerry Langdon

Whirlwind Descent
by Jerry Langdon

Icarus wings turned to stone.
Coming down like a cyclone.
Can't get a bearing on anything.
Crashing down; hope disappearing.
I don't know why I thought I could fly,
When life already had me grounded.
Maybe I just liked how escape sounded.
Despair is such a heavy chain.
Hope never brought more than pain.
I have to get out of here.
Oh Hell, the ground is getting near.
This is a whirlwind descent.
Racing towards what I resent.
Can't look my demise in the eye.
Falling down; exiled from the sky.
I don't know why I thought I could fly.

© Jerry Langdon 2021

Poem: 'Wolf Song' by Kay Irvin

Wolf Song
by Kay Irvin

New starlight glistens
Wise moon spell listens
Pack is restless and prowls
Pitch-dark unveils rise
Wild wakes midnight eyes
Illumination howls

There will be loyalty
There will be intensity
I will burn through you
And you will burn through me
Old souls will once again be

Breeze carries bouquet
Closer ... circles bay
Shapeshifters throw shadows
Heartbeats stead mirro
Nearer and nearer How deeply pulse echoes

She-wolf must find mate
Cold night must celebrate
Song will uplift its head
Breath will spray from mouths of red
And our deathless love will free
Old souls will once again be

Moon spell never knows end
Timeless eyes ever suspend
Burning, glowing
Sweet blood flowing

(c) Kay Irvin

Poem: 'The Witching Hour' by Kay Irvin

The Witching Hour
by Kay Irvin

A wisp floats to the hallways of sticks in fragrant burn
Sublime elixir swirls every chalice turn
The velvet room glows, the chamber flickers rhapsody
Crystal patterns dip fire and circle restlessly

Silvern shapes line in rows with herbal, ageless define
Avadon kneads a cat's claw and stretches blackest shine
Time of twisting labyrinths unravel for to see
The witching hour fixate on all that truly be

Before the morning cradle the nightfall will allow
Some glimpse of random thoughts, some creation coming out
And journals will be penned with hands amazed to roam
When voices of mood echo through the catacomb

(c) Kay Irvin

Poem: Untitled by M Teresa Clayton

by M Teresa Clayton

Hello again, to no one there,
Shadows come and fill the air.
I can feel you inside of me,
Waiting to listen so patiently.
The vision haunts behind my eyes,
Slowly appears, then quickly dies,
Like forgotten lies.
Whispers spoken to no one there.

I am lucid in all my dreams,
Astral projection laser beams,
Looking for something I will not find,
It remains back there, inside my mind.
I know not why, and I know not when
The memories haunt me once again,
Tell me where you’ve been.
I looked for you inside those dreams.
Then at once, something appeared
, Nothing welcomed; nothing feared
, Someone speaking, a hollow sound,
Someone searching, nothing found.
The only truth I comprehend
Promises break, truths can bend,
Broken hearts never mend.
Something stirred then disappeared.

I screamed out, one single word,
“LISTEN.” Yet, I am not heard?
I can save you from what you’ve become,
Return those feelings where you are numb.
The message was lost, already dead,
No one understands what I have said.
Too much paralyzing dread,
Of what may come afterward.

People followed blindly, just like sheep,
I saw it all inside my sleep.
I tried to change the path they’d taken
But was pulled away as I awakened,
Aware that no one will ever know,
They will not ask which way to go,
Or see the visions that would show
They are sinking in the deep.

“Will we live before we die?”
The question asked, no reply.
“Will people fall into despair,
Awakening to no one there?”
Nothing is simply nothing share
Believing no one ever cared, No one dared...
Whisper the question, “why?”

Poem: Untitled by M Teresa Clayton

by M Teresa Clayton

Innocence silenced by one who thought
She resembled someone she was not,
Exacting end with that one bullet shot
The horror, the pain, the grief he has brought…

A child, unafraid, full of life, carefree,
Mistaken target, a casualty,
Her life ended with such profanity,
And the people called it a tragedy.

Put the weapon down,
Put the weapon down.
Silence the weapon’s sound
Before a tragedy is found
Lying on the ground.
Put the weapon down.

She was a child, learning to be
Learning to look and how to see
Darkness now covers the beauty
Of a child who once saw blue skies,
Now learning how an angel flies
From here into heavenly eternity.

We remember the place,
We remember her face,
Of the child that we cannot erase;
Innocence died, and cannot be replaced.

Poem: 'They Can't Kill Me' by Judge Santiago Burdon

They Can't Kill Me
by Judge Santiago Burdon

They can't kill me
Although many have tried
All disappointed by the results
When they discovered
I had survived
The Police and gangsters,
Mexican and Colombian
And even Drug Dealers I failed to pay
Ex-husbands of women, Ex-girlfriends that felt betrayed
Car accidents and a plane crash
But I walked away
I've lived through Earthquakes Hurricanes Volcanic eruptions
Even Tornadoes that caused devastating destruction
I've been bitten by Scorpions
a Brazilian Wandering Spider
A Rattlesnake and Jelly Fish
All painful reminders
Survived Prostate Cancer
A Sepsis Infection
causing a 30 day coma
Tuberculosis when I was just a kid
Two heart attacks and Double Pneumonia
Maybe now you'll understand
And may possibly believe
They can't kill me I'll never die
Due to my immortality


Poem: 'The Fruitful Page' by James Kenneth Blaylock

The Fruitful Page
by James Kenneth Blaylock

condemned to failure
by the ugly masses

for the mistakes of
youth, or depression

how dare we want better
with age and with wisdom

shouldn’t we be allowed
to turn the fruitful page

therefore, shining light
and hope into darkness

james kenneth blaylock, 1-10-23

Poem: 'Mum' by James Kenneth Blaylock

by James Kenneth Blaylock

I do not belong to
anyone, out there

I am just right here, breathing
up all the night air, stargazing

truthfully, I have a shoebox
filled with so many beautiful memories

yet, nowhere will I find you,
as you’ve swiped my tears

it’s the antithesis of love and hate,
midnight and mid-morning, fateful

is it fatal to want more than
another total of sums, mum

james kenneth blaylock 1-9-23

Poem: 'The Sky is Bleeding' by Ted Axe

The Sky is Bleeding
by Ted Axe

Overlooking the sea
High above this world,
On the cliffs where I live
The clouds turn purple.
The sun sets blood,
Red colors the sky.
The wind blows from the North,
Soon it will be night.

Poem: 'The Prisoner' by Ted Axe

The Prisoner
by Ted Axe

Imprisoned behind these eyes
I look through stars
At the moon in a night sky
I shake the bars and wonder why
Alone inside
I do my time.

These long dark empty streets
this dull grey city where people only live to work
nothing to see
nowhere to go
im out tonight
now i must go home

Full Length Review: Meshuggah "Immutable" (Atomic Fire Records) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Meshuggah
Location: Umeå
Country: Sweden
Genre: Technical groove/thrash, djent
Full length: Immutable
Format: Digital, CD, cassette
Label: Atomic Fire Records
Release date: April 1, 2022
“Immutable” by Meshuggah! I have heard of Meshuggah...a long time ago actually. But this was never a band that I really got into. Moving forward—for Christmas 2022 my friend gave me a copy of Immutable as a present along with a few other albums on cassette. After a bit of merriment I threw it in my tape deck and I can honestly say I don’t know why I didn’t get more into this band in the past.
Featuring 13 immaculate tracks this album is a sure-fire winner if you ask me. With aggressive vocals, tight percussion and “mathy” riffs everything blends together to make for a listen that is not only enjoyable for the first play—it is something that can be played over and over and it doesn’t seem to get old. There are parts of this album with a strong “dark and eerie” atmosphere too. This paired with the heaviness of the tracks makes for a unique and unquestionably solid experience.
I don’t know where my friend purchased this tape but it says on the insert that this is a release by Atomic Fire. This label is new to me—but I do plan to check them out in the future. As for the tape in question the packaging is professional grade and so is the insert. The cassette itself is a glossy gold and overall has an intriguing appearance...and the cover art is pretty cool too!
In conclusion this is a great album and I encourage you to listen to it. This is an older band that has a “new to me” feel but as I said above my main regret when it comes to Meshuggah is not listening to these guys sooner! -Devin J. Meaney

Jens Kidman: Vocals
Fredrik Thordendal: Guitars
Mårten Hagström: Guitars
Dick Lövgren: Bass
Tomas Haake: Drums

Track list:
1. Broken Cog
2. The Abysmal Eye
3. Light the Shortening Fuse
4. Phantoms
5. Ligature Marks
6. God He Sees in Mirrors
7. They Move Below
8. Kaleidoscope
9. Black Cathedral
10. I Am That Thirst
11. The Faultless
12. Armies of the Preposterous
13. Past Tense

Band links:

Full Length Review: Mesrine "Source of Hatred" (PRC Music) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Mesrine
Location: Quebec City, Quebec
Country: Canada
Genre: Grindcore
Full length: Source of Hatred
Format: CD
Label: PRC Music
Release date: June 9th, 2017
Source of Hatred by Mesrine! I recently snagged this cassette from Death by Digital although it was originally released by D7i. This is a “new to me” label and the only other tape I have released by them is an un-named EP by Ear Maggot. Still, both of these tapes are top quality and I can go out on a limb and assume there is much more to be found by this label.
Mesrine are an older band and I remember listening to them when I was a teen. The sound has pretty much stayed the same but the production quality is a lot more hi-res. Other than that not much has changed with Mesrine.
Mesrine are an old-school grind/death grind style band with very obvious thrash elements. I don’t know a hell of a lot about Mesrine other than the fact that they are Canadian. After a brief search I found out that they hail from Quebec City—a place that is well known for some pretty decent grind.
The grinding is pretty standard and there are many bands that have a similar sound but Mesrine has been at it for a long time and they are well deserving of the so called “pat on the back”. Their output has been almost constant and although this is the only album I own from the band I will without question snag more from these guys if it becomes available in the future.
Although this is not one of my favourites from my recent tape haul it is still “a hell of a lot more than decent” and I would suggest this to anyone looking for those old-school vibes! -Devin J. Meaney

Steve “Babbu”: Vocals
Fred: Guitars
Jack: Bass, guitars, backing vocals
Dallaire: Bass, backing vocals
Dan-Charge: Drums, backing vocals

Track list:
1. Hopped to Death
2. Daily Mass Murder
3. Sécurité maximale (Cellule #1)
4. Still in Exile
5. Justin Bourque
6. Infected Brain
7. Colosse Is Back...Again
8. Quarantine
9. Recycling Corpses
10. Death Ride in Kalamazoo
11. Demon Inside
12. 12$
13. Carnivorous Feast
14. Memento Mori
15. Duvel 'n Coffee
16. Mike II
17. Too Many Gods
18. Emomification
19. Matricule 728
20. Moose IV
21. Sécurité maximale (Cellule #2)
22. Pigeon
23. Source of Hatred

Web links:

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Single Review: Cosmic Jaguar "Temple of the Feathered Serpent" (Independent) by Brynn Kali StarDew

Location: Zhytomyr
Country: Ukraine
Genre: Avant garde technical thrash
Single: Temple of the Feathered Serpent
Format: Digital
Label: Independent
Release date: January 8, 2023
This Video was excellent, I really liked the Large Dragons by ancient temples in their Youtube video.The South American tribal themes such as the god The Rainbow Serpent are not entirely new to me but still rarely encountered! The lead singer of Fictional band Deathklok Nathan Explosion is part South American native, there is even an episode where the band goes to South America to help him find himself. It was interesting to hear about how they worked with Cynic cause they are really good and I haven’t heard about them in years. “Temple of the Feathered Serpent” is definitely a modern Technical Thrash classic! Their lyrics written by Sergio Lunatico are extremely original in my opinion and deserve some recognition for this fact. -Brynn Kali StarDew

Songwriting 10/10
Musicianship 8.5/10
Memorability 10/10
Production 10/10

Sergio Lunatico: Vocals, bass, lyrics (Bestial Invasion, ex-Violent Omen)
Juan Maestro: Guitar (Bestial Invasion, ex-Sunrise)
Denis Tomillo: Drums (Bestial Invasion, Reusmarkt, Omniverse)

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Full Length Review: Ouija "Fathomless Hysteros" (Negra Nit Distro) by Brynn Kali StarDew

Band: Ouija
Country: Spain
Genre: Black metal
Full Length: Fathomless Hysteros
Format: Digital album
Label: Negra Nit Distro
Release date: December 18, 2022
The First and self-titled track “FATHOMLESS HYSTEROS” was really good. I like that the band has some more artistic album art than some other bands I have reviewed in the past. The Uterus/Vagina surrounded by planets is extremely memorable. It also sounds like chanting in what I think is Spanish midway through the song which is interesting. I looked up a lyric video they released on Youtube and in it the Euterus/Vagina on the album cover started spinning! So mad props to whoever did that! At 3:00 you definitely hear some Iron Maiden-esque guitar chugging, but it quickly returns to utterly brutal drum work. All in all a really solid Death/Black Metal track.
The song “I SEE YOU WITHOUT EYES” or track number three is pretty cool and reminds me of “The great old ones' ' mentioned in H.P. Lovecraft novels. Interesting lyrical content in general, and I am really happy with the way they changed it up around 5:00 to get a little slower, less hardcore and more progressive. Moving on to “THE FIFTH RIDER” this track seems like it is on the same level of death and black metal subject matter. I highly recommend reading these powerful lyrics since the vocals can be hard to hear like most heavy metal.
“HIJO DEL CAIDO” or track number five has a good intro. Somewhat faster, but there isn’t really anything wrong with that in my opinion. The track name means son of the fallen but I couldn’t really translate what the rest of the lyrics were but I imagine it has to do with being the spawn of Satan. The song “ADVERSARY” I couldn’t find a lyric video on Youtube but Ouija is a lot like a lot of really good metal bands I have heard. I really liked the melodic guitar at 2:20-3:06. This is the kind of stuff that got me into metal in the first place as a tween.
As for the final track on the album “UNBRIDLED TRANSYLVANIAN PASSION” in looking for a lyric video I found a video for their earlier album CARPATHIANS EXCELSI MAJESTY which this track is originally on. This song has basically been around as long as I have been alive so I really don’t know what to say other than I think a lot of modern metal might be based on this and other bands like it! -Brynn Kali StarDew

Songwriting: 9
Musicianship: 9
Memorability: 10
Production: 9
Overall: 9.5

Midgard: Vocals
Map: Guitars
JM101: Guitars
Shoggoth: Bass
Fulgur: Drums

Track list:
1. Fathomless Hysteros
2. Bestia Negra
3. I See You Without Eyes
4. The Fifth Rider
5. Hijo Del Caido
6. Adversary (Re-Recorded From LP "Ave Voluptatis Carnis", 2013)
7. Unbridled Transylvanian Passion (Re-Recorded From "Riding Into The Funeral Paths", 2003)

Band links:

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Full Length Review: Misanthropik Torment "Ecdysis" (Misanthropik Records, Earache Digital Distribution, Kvlt und Kaos Productions) by Dave Wolff

Band: Misanthropik Torment
Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Country: USA
Genre: Blackened death metal
Full Length: Ecdysis
Format: Digital album, CD
Label: Misanthropik Records, Earache Digital Distribution, Kvlt und Kaos Productions (Austria)
Release date: February 14, 2023
This is yet another shameless overdone session of praise, haha. Just kidding. Erik Leviathan delivers one of his heaviest, rawest, and most extreme releases yet with “Ecdysis”. This may literally implode your brain like the remains of the Titanic falling to crush depth. If you thought his previous work was too much, it feels like being slowly skinned alive with sandpaper soaked in napalm and hot peppers, and that’s the mildest comparison I can offer. Even if you’re hardened and almost desensitized to the kind of songwriting presented here, you may still find yourself unprepared for what’s coming.
Consider old Venom, Sodom, Kreator, Mayhem, and Sarcofago delivered to the nth power and that’s to be expected from “Ecdysis”. This is not only their most sonically abrasive release to date but also their most politically and socially controversial. The lyrics accompanying Jonathan Nesbitt's (Crucible Steel, Reincarnation, Nesbitt) relentlessly brutal music represent an unwillingness to shut up and accept the ways of the world without speaking out against them. Leviathan has never been inclined to shy away from controversy, and his efforts are reinforced. If you’re offended or it pisses you off, that’s the point.
I mentioned that an older release of theirs, “Murder Is My Remedy”, demonstrates what happens to one’s mental capacity when one is pushed too far; this album explores a mind way beyond being pushed too far and is more than ready to strike back. In any case, this does not mean you're mad at the world for its own sake. There's plenty to be mad about, and nothing has changed since bands started calling attention to it. The sickness of humanity continues, as does greed, exploitation, and senseless war-mongering, and with it more educated malcontents who are aware of everything that’s going on around them.
Having more bands like Misanthropik Torment would make the underground virtually unstoppable. To me it’s refreshing to know the true passion for metal doesn’t diminish with age as people “mature” into what they’re expected to become, but as with the greats it grows as their passion and thoughts grow with their determination to reach listeners. It doesn’t matter if you’re “open-minded” or “self-limiting” (which is becoming as much a label as anything else) as long as your sincerity shows. Maybe it’s a cliché but it’s still true.
“Master and Slave”, “Ecdysis”, “False Prophet”, “This Horrid Life” and “Believe in Nothing, Question Everything” need raw heaviness to get their point across. At varying levels, they describe a mind that was once optimistic but was systematically flattened by the vileness they experienced every day, from corporate greed to political motivations to passive-aggressive bullshit from other people out to get what they want. Misanthropik Torment says it’s time for society to take responsibility for what they created. –Dave Wolff

Erik Leviathan: Vocals, lyrics
Jonathan Nesbitt: All instruments

Track list:
1. Master and Slave
3. Monkey See Monkey Do
4. False prophet
5. Somnium Mortuus Est
6. This Horrid Life
7. Believe In Nothing Question Everything_
8. Karmatic Retribution

Interview with Erik Leviathan of Misanthropik Torment by Dave Wolff
Interview with Erik Leviathan of Misanthropik Torment (second interview) by Dave Wolff

Full Length Review: Misanthropik Torment "Murder Is My Remedy" (Misanthropik Records) by Dave Wolff
Track Review: Misanthropik Torment "The Blueprint Façade" by Corban Skipwith
Full Length Review: Misanthropik Torment "The Black Death" (Misanthropik Records) by Corban Skipwith
Full Length Review: Misanthropik Torment "#KillYourLocalPedophile" (Misanthropik Records) by Dave Wolff

Single Review: Chainsaw Disfigurement "Harvesting Organs" (Misanthropik Records) by Corban Skipwith

Sunday, January 15, 2023

EP Review: Ted Axe "The Count of Rock" (Independent) by Dave Wolff

Band: Ted Axe
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Country: Canada
Genre: Rock, goth rock
Format: Digital album
Label: Independent
Release date: November 24, 2022
Having interviewed Ted Axe twice for the zine I’ve gathered enough information to share with you readers, enough to awaken interest in checking out his debut full-length and recently released EP. Listening closely I perceive an erratic but singular take on modern rock that can’t easily be tagged. An active musician and performer since touring with the Ramones and the Stranglers with his punk band The Action, he’s unified 70s shock rock and early punk vibes with the early goth rock of the following decade.
In his interviews, Ted Axe has stressed his point that his lyrics don’t reflect the more upbeat subject matter of eighties glam and hair metal. Bands from that era romanticized themes of partying and getting laid when those habits led to that lifestyle self-destructing in the end. Palatable or not, Axe’s imagery is closer to what Guns N Roses presented to us starting with “Appetite for Destruction”. This combined with shades of Alice Cooper, New York Dolls, Iggy Pop, Richard Hell, and Bauhaus creates something fresher, more honest and more inspired than most of today’s mainstream fare. A return, in a way, to the time punk was birthed at CBGB and Max’s Kansas City. Patti Smith would find it encouraging to know this artist is still making a name for himself today.
Like those artists I mentioned, “The Count of Rock” is raw and dark, not without a sense of accessibility; this formula by its own virtue shows how abysmally wrong mainstream perceptions of punk, shock rock and even metal really are. Forget most of the band biopics you’ve seen, this EP captures the true essence of modern rock. And it also restores my appreciation of those artists who pioneered it in the early years. This is 80s pop metal stripped of all its shiny accessibility and given a healthy dose of twilight.
Like his debut “Sex Horror Violence”, “The Count Of Rock” explores the darker side of parties and relationships most bands sang about in the 80s, laying bare the negative impact it has on the average psyche. Everything from toxicity to obsession to gaslighting to self-blame is presented by Axe and his band recorded. It may be too much to handle by the average listener looking for something more “positive” to enjoy, but for those unafraid to stick around after the sun sets it’s more fulfilling to listen to songs that don’t feel any compunctions to reveal something closer to real life. Real life horror? You decide. -Dave Wolff

Ted Axe: Vocals, lead/rhythm guitars, bass
Bernard Guilhem: Keyboards on “Alive”
Stefan Ford: Drums

Track list:
1. Disaster
2. Victim Of Love
3. Wedlock
4. Alive

Full Length Review: Saor "Origins" (Season Of Mist) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Saor
Location: Glasgow
Country: Scotland
Genre: Folk metal, black metal
Full length: Origins
Format: Digital, CD, vinyl, cassette
Label: Season Of Mist
Release date: June 24, 2022
A tape I got from a friend for Christmas was “Origins” by Saor. I don’t fully know how to pin-point what sub-genre this is as it is obvious there is inspiration from multiple. I am reminded of bands like Manegarm. It has some “folkish” yet heavy vibes that are brought forward with efficiency.
The production is top quality and the riffage and percussion are immaculate. Even on cassette this has a high-res sound so it is quite clear that the album was professionally produced. The vocals are both dirty and clean and an assortment of different instruments are included.
This was released by Season of Mist. I can only fathom that there is more good stuff to be found on this label but I have yet to peruse their offerings. Still, I would suggest checking them out for yourself. Saor is top-notch so I can only guess that there is more good stuff to be found.
To make an end to this review I will just say that this album has a great sound and a great atmosphere and overall it was a win for me. It will get many plays in my cassette player and in the near future I will look into more from this intriguing band. -Devin J. Meaney

Andy Marshall: Vocals, guitar, bass
Vlad Cochet: Drums

Track list:
1. Call of the Carnyx
2. Fallen
3. The Ancient Ones
4. Aurora
5. Beyond the Wall
6. Origins

Full Length Review: Rampancy "The Sublime Conquest of Nothing" (Iron Front Productions, Witchcult Records) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Rampancy
Location: London, Ontario
Country: Canada
Genre: Black metal, death metal, grindcore
Format: Digital album, pro-cassette
Label: Iron Front Productions, Witchcult Records
Release date: June 9, 2017
Yet again another tape I got from Death by Digital was “The Sublime Conquest of Nothing” by Rampancy! First and foremost I need to throw it out there that Death by Digital is a label that focuses mainly on grindcore and other forms of music from that line—but Rampancy definitely has a “black metal” feel. This came as a welcomed surprise as I do love music of the blackened variety and I have been finding it hard to find labels in Canada that deal with that kind of music—and it’s even harder to find it at a fair price.
The production on this is cold and the vocals are raspy—and I am reminded of early Mayhem and acts similar. With 11 tracks this one is not as long as a lot of black metal full-lengths but it provides enough tuneage to make for a great listen. Sometimes the music is not pin tight but it is all brought together nicely and has a great “lo-fi” quality that I love within this genre.
A co-release between Witch Cult and Iron Front I’d be intrigued to hear more from this band and these labels. I will also throw it out there that I got this cassette for five dollars Canadian so at that price I would suggest looking into snagging a copy for yourself and as always—try to find it online and give it a listen!
Note: I also have a release from this band called “Toxic Identity”. It includes very lo-fi recordings that are entirely improvised. There are only 9 tapes in existence. The Sublime Conquest of Nothing is by far the superior release…but I’d suggest checking this out as well if you are a lover of “noisecore-esque” stuff. What could it hurt? -Devin J. Meaney

Oculus Tød: Vocals, guitars, drums, songwriting, lyrics

Track list:
1. Blood For Blood
2. Failure In The Eyes of Jehova
3. Schadenfreude
4. Choose Your Side
5. Thy Kingdom
6. Besieged
7. Solitary March Under A Black Flag
8. Hanger 96 (Two Forces In Balance)
9. Dawn Of The New Order
10. Insurrectionary Extremist
11. A.F.D.T.D

EP Review: Nasum "Songs of Regressive Hostility" (Death by Digital) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Nasum
Country: Sweden 
Genre: Grindcore
EP: Songs of Regressive Hostility
Format: Cassette
Label: Death by Digital
Release date: May 8, 2021
“Songs of Regressive Hostility” by Nasum! Nasum is a band I first heard of in my early teen years so I was quite set on seeing if I still enjoyed their music. The tracks on this cassette were recorded in 1997 and were originally released in 1998—so it is a bit dated—but this did not effect the listening experience in the slightest.
16 tracks of short grindcore blasts push forward to make a release that is well worth listening to. Anyone who knows Nasum knows they have a “classical” old-school grindcore feel. It is also well known that Nasum is well established within the grindcore scene—and for good reason. Again, the vibes are “straight grinding” and there are many bands that have a similar sound but Nasum is one of the originals and they have indeed had an impact on grindcore globally.
This is a pro release and features a pretty green cassette that was packaged with love by Death by Digital. I am unsure if this album comes in any form other than cassette but I’d suggest checking it out on whatever is available. The only negative thing I have to say is that this was not long enough and could have for sure had a few more songs. -Devin J. Meaney

Track list:
1. Dis Sucks
2. The Leak
3. Eviscerated by the Fiend
4. Shambler
5. Lack of Ammunition
6. The Machines
7. Låt inte asen styra ditt liv
8. Going Nowhere
9. Generation Ex
10. The Soil Bleeds Black
11. Hail the Chaos!
12. Fuck the System
13. The Spiral Goes Down
14. Shortcut to Extinction
15. Vows
16. Hate Division

Full Length Review: Pharmacist "Medical Renditions Of Grinding Decomposition" (Black Hole Productions) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Pharmacist
Country: Japan
Genre: Death metal, goregrind
Format: Digital album, vinyl, vinyl picture disc, cassette (sold out)
Release date: August 14, 2020
“Medical Renditions of Grinding Decomposition” by Pharmacist! I have listened to this album before but I recently copped it on cassette from Death by Digital so I decided to give it another review. The tape is a pro-tape from Acid Redux Productions and the cassette itself is a glossy gold.
Featuring 9 tracks of old-school sounding patho-gore this one is a sure-fire way to unleash some aggression and head banging. Down-tuned guitars mesh together with pitched vocals and outstanding riffs and percussion—and I guess the main thing I need to mention is that this one is for fans of early Carcass. It has strong “Symphonies of Sickness” vibes and while listening you wonder what would have happened with Carcass if they had kept their original sound.
The cover for this has a classical goregrind feel and once again even with the art the Carcass vibes are strong. I don’t know much about Acid Redux (though I have heard of them constantly through the Gore Grinder account on YouTube and other places) but with releases like this under their belt I’d have no problem giving them a bit of business in the future.
In conclusion these 9 bursts of pure pathological awesomeness have struck a chord with me and this tape will get many plays in my deck. I know Pharmacist has other albums and splits so within the horizons of the near future I will spend some time journeying forward to listen to some more of this great act! -Devin J. Meaney

Pharmacist: Guitars, bass, vocals
Therapeutist: Drums

Track list:
1. Gardening On Human Soils
2. Cadaveric Osseous Stalactite
3. Gastronomic Spoiled Courage
4. Fumes Of Exhumation
5. Corporal Colophony Nectar
6. Innards Saponification In Moderate Conditions
7. Eulogy Of Pathological Surgery
8. Decrepit Peristaltica
9. Emphasize Forensic Phenomena Conclusion

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Full Length Review: Xeno Ooze "Slimewave" (Independent) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Xeno Ooze
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Country: USA
Genre: Death metal, grindcore, sludge metal
Full length: Slimewave
Format: Digital album
Label: Independent
Release date: December 18, 2020
“Slimewave” by XenoOoze! A pro-tape put out by Bloody Scythe Records from Arizona, USA! This tape actually intrigued me enough to check out more from Bloody Scythe Records but as BSR uses the American dollar I will refrain from ordering from them (the exchange rate and shipping is intense). None the less I would throw it out there to any Americans reading this that they seem to be quite the nifty label…but back to XenoOoze!
First and foremost I have to point out the eerie atmosphere that adorns this entire album. The music is extremely heavy but I think the selling point is the vibes it gives off while you are listening. Aside from the “slimy” aura presented something else worth mentioning is the overall tightness of the tracks. The percussion is spot on and at times almost sounds like a jack-hammer! The vocals are disgusting (in a good way) and pretty much everything else about this release is on par. One thing I will mention is that the track titles are kind of cheesy. With titles like “Ooze It or Lose It” and “Deus Ex Machinooze” I was expecting something that was almost comical…but the tracks are all grotesquely atmospheric and seem quite serious.
As for the cassette itself it is a clear/slime green and overall it is one of my favorite tapes I bought recently. An instant win in my collection—I would suggest this to anyone who wants to listen to something that is excessively loud and “elegantly gross”! -Devin J. Meaney

Oozimus Slaximus: Seer & Prophet of Slime
Father Fungus: Archbishop of the Unholy Ooze
Sludgehammer Slimeblast: God of Goo

Track list:
1. Deus Ex Machinooze
2. Gouroboros
3. Root & Phlegm
4. Gnarciscyst
5. Twilight of the Idyll
6. Ooze it or Lose it
7. Thy Kingdom Scum
8. Radical Putrefaction
9. Swillbirth
10. Nauseam A.D.

Full Length Review: Goreworm "Prodigy of the Grotesque" (CDN Records) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Goreworm
Location: Brantford, Ontario
Country: Canada
Genre: Technical death metal
Format: Digital album
Label: CDN Records
Release date: June 12, 2020
Another tape I snagged was “Prodigy of the Grotesque” by Goreworm. This is yet again another pro-tape that is put together quite nicely. The packaging and insert are both professional grade and the cassette itself is a unique and vibrant orange.
Featuring 10 tracks of pure gold I would suggest this one to fans of death metal on the technical and melodic side. Intricate guitar riffs and very tight programmed drums (I only knew the drums were programmed from reading the insert) mix together with aggressive low-pitched gutturals and high shrieks to make for a listen that is quite enjoyable—and the head-banging that happens while enjoying this really needs no mention.
This is the first release I got from CDN Records. I actually got this one from the Ontario based label Death by Digital—but I will for sure check into CDN a bit more the next time I am making a tape order. So what are you waiting for? Snag this pile of carnage and let the heaviness consume you like winds of plague. I don’t remember the exact price of this cassette but I do know that it was around seven dollars Canadian or so (or less). So for the price of a few coffees I’d say this would be a great addition in the collection of death metal heads worldwide. And again…the tape is just so pretty! Cop it! -Devin J. Meaney

Jesse Suess” Vocals
Brent Moerschfelder: Guitars
Jordan Estrela: Guitars
Derek Gibbs: Bass, guitars
Sean Bruce: Drums

Track list:
1. Abolish Mankind
2. Disgraced Perversion
3. Extreme Makeover: Facelift Edition
4. Trepidation
5. Grave for the Traitors
6. Homemade Mortuaries
7. Ditch Pig
8. Engulfed by the Flames
9. Taste of the Deceased
10. Prodigy of the Grotesque