Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Full Length Review: Darkthrone "It Beckons Us All......." (Peaceville Records) by Dave Wolff

Country: Norway
Genre: Black/doom/heavy/speed metal
Format: Digital
Release date: April 26, 2024
I think of Darkthrone as the band that introduced me to second wave black metal. Long story short, my first encounter with them happened at just the right time, and I immediately connected with them.
"A Blaze in the Northern Sky" reminded me of everything that attracted me to the darker side of underground metal, and from there I sought out more bands from Norway and other countries.
Not only did the first bands have their own sound, but they avoided the mainstream trap of becoming generic and built things from the grassroots. Granted some bands that sound similar to each other now, but again I’d say the genre is still diversifying to reach new originative levels.
Through their career, Darkthrone experimented with different approaches, concepts and subgenres of metal. From what I gather, they've always done so as fans, without seeking to impress anyone with their multifaceted abilities. Nocturno Culto and Fenriz have worked together since they founded Darkthrone in the late 1980s. After all that time, it may seem they're less interested in lighting a fire under the music industry's ass today, and more interested in composing and writing for their own leisure.
As I listened to "It Beckons Us All.......", I didn't gather their desire to indulge a little more in their own tastes was a bad thing, nor did I think their passion to entertain their fans has diminished in any way. Furthermore this isn't due to any sort of bias; I like them because of the passion they always channeled into their work. Although their passion for metal and occult-based fantasy comes across as less in-your-face defiant, it's much more personal and you need to listen closely in order to perceive it.
Within the raw production and the sort of relaxed quality of the musicianship, the songwriting is strong enough to hold your attention. There are shades of Hellhammer and Celtic Frost, with progressions reminiscent of the band's previous albums like "Blaze", "Total Death", "Goatlord", "Astral Fortress" and "Arctic Thunder", Occasional discordant chords are subtly introduced, almost imperceptible but with a profound effect. While shades of Darkthrone's older work is most evident in "The Heavy Hand," the most progressive songs are "The Bird People of Nordand" and "The Lone Pine of the Lost Planet".
Judging by all the feedback I’ve read, "It Beckons Us All......." should fit your tastes if you’re a veteran enthusiast of black metal. You could do worse than to pick it up. –Dave Wolff

Nocturno Culto: Vocals, guitars, bass
Fenriz: Drums, vocals, bass, additional guitars, lyrics

Track list:
1. Howling Primitive Colonies
2. Eon 3
3. Black Dawn Affiliation
4. And In That Moment I Knew The Answer
5. The Bird People Of Nordland
6. The Heavy Hand
7. The Lone Pines Of The Lost Planet

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