Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Full Length Review: Turtle Rage "Curse of the Mutants" (Incredible Noise, What's Left Records, Tapes Unter Palmen) by Devin J. Meaney

Location: Berlin
Country: Germany
Genre: Thrashcore, fastcore
Format: Digital, cassette (Tapes Unter Palmen)
Release date: April 15, 2024
Scrolling through YouTube for new grindcore acts I happened to come upon “Curse of the Mutants” by Turtle Rage! Although not straight grindcore—Turtle Rage is listed as a thrashcore/fastcore act—and what is most intriguing is that they are entirely inspired by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
I have heard of these guys before and I can say that I did enjoy some of their earlier work. This seems to be just as awesome! The guitars are a thrashy blurr of frenzied coolishness, the drumming is tight and professional and the only way I can describe the vocals is if Birdflesh and Municipal Waste were smashed together into a cloning tube! The cloned offspring would be Turtle Rage—and I guess you’d need to throw a VHS copy of one of the TMNT movies into the machine too!
Again, in terms of the Birdflesh-ish-ness and the Municipal Waste vibes both the instruments and the vocals seem to have been derived from the same vein. Heavy, super fun and it leaves you looking for more!
I do dig the turtles, but I was never a super fan or anything. But I think that diehard fans of both upbeat thrashy music and the TMNT franchise should be able to whole heartedly dig what is offered here. So without further rambling—put on your dancing shoes and turn your surroundings into a mosh pit! You gotta love that cheese, eh? -Devin J. Meaney

Tobi: Guitars, main vocals
Piti: Drums, vocals

Track list:
1. Shitshore
2. The Surface
3. Old Isn´t Gold
4. Hello Again
5. Sinking Ship
6. Written In Shit
7. The Fortress
8. Brainwashed - Forced To Fail
9. Silence
10. Defeated By The Wall
11. NYC – Battlefield
12. The Terrible Twos
13. Wasp´s Nest
14. Elliot
15. Choosing Death
16. End Of Charge - Part 1
17. End Of Charge - Part 2

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