Wednesday, May 29, 2024

EP Review: Disrotter "Restless Death" (Old Shadows Records, Sewer Rot Records, Unholy Domain Records) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Disrotter
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Country: USA
Genre: Death grind
EP: Restless Death
Format: CD, Digital, cassette
Label: Old Shadows Records (CD), Sewer Rot Records (CD, cassette) and Unholy Domain Records
Release date: April 1, 2024
Vibing with a bit of the death/grind I threw on “Restless Death”—the newest 2024 EP from the USA based Disrotter! Hailing from West Virginia this is Disrotter’s fourth release—after a demo and two singles!
The vocals on this EP are force-filled and annihilating, the instruments bring forth both talent and heaviness—and when paired together one can assume that what is brought to fruition is a sincere blast of underground mastery! This is a four track EP so I won’t get lost in description. With that said, this is quite the little heap of shreds and gutturals and I daresay it is well worth a view or two!
As listed on YouTube you can find this release available in these places: Old Shadows Records (CD format), Sewer Rot Records (CD and cassette format) and Unholy Domain Records (cassette format). Also available in digital format at Disrotter’s Bandcamp!
Just give it a listen! -Devin J. Meaney

Joe Adams: Bass, vocals
Adam Guilliams: Guitars
Garrett Guilliams: Drums

Track list:
1. Quietus, Grotesque And Dispalyed
2. Restless Death
3. Thriving In Decay
4. The Retched End

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