Thursday, September 12, 2024

Full Length Review: Various Artists "Apocalypse 2001" (Hybrid Structure Productions) by Devin J. Meaney

Band/Artist: Various Artists
Country: Canada
Genre: Electronic, trance
Full length: Apocalypse 2001
Format: CD
Label: Hybrid Structure Productions
Release date: 2001
Once again I have decided to stray away from metal and punk rock. A few years back I went to Dollarama and found an electronic trance mix CD in the dollar bin. Knowing that most music at the dollar store is passé I questioned buying it but inevitably I decided to take it home and see what was on it.
Apocalypse 2001 by DJ Morgan Taylor (with various other artists) is a (very) dated blast of trance from the (obviously) very early 2000’s. With that said I was pleasantly surprised by this and even though I have owned the CD for a few years I still tend to sometimes throw it on when I am just chilling in my room and aiming for a casual listen.
Once again—this is very dated and it doesn’t “hold up” to more modernized electronics (in the sense that for example someone from gen z or x might not favor this)—but for anyone looking to delve into the club sound of the past I’d say that this might be enjoyable!
12 mixes in over 70 minutes makes for a solid listen. Give it a spin! -Devin J. Meaney

Track list:
1. Morgan Taylor vs The Virus - Tag 20
2. C Click - C This
3. Aekt - Uforik
4. Steve Austin - Aftervision
5. Paul Jeanne D'Arc - Transpiration
6. Analog Junkies - State Of Grace
7. Jet Lag - One Morning
8. DB - Momentum

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