Thursday, August 15, 2024

EP Review: Disorder "Nuclear Deterrent" (Chicken Attack Records) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Disorder
Location: Bristol
Country; UK
Genre: Punk, hardcore
Format: Digital
Label: Chicken Attack Records
Release date: August 5, 2024
Once again while searching for punk EP’s I found “Nuclear Deterrent” by Disorder! This was uploaded by the Grindwar channel on YouTube and provides just under twelve minutes of old-school “Siege sounding” hardcore!
Four tracks pulse forward with simple but precise riffs, good drumming, grainy but passable production and ear-splitting vocals. (I mean that in a good way.)
They say they have an “80’s essence” and I’d say that they are not wrong. Again, I am reminded of Siege and similar acts. This does have a proto-grind feel—so it makes sense that this would be uploaded to a channel called “Grindwar”.
These guys can be found on YouTube, or you can check them out at their Bandcamp—and I’m sure they are available elsewhere on the web. They hail from The UK and IMO they are pretty rad! Choco-Molokko and Rotten are my two favorite tracks, and I hope to hear more from these guys someday when I am once again perusing the underbelly of YouTube! Rock on! -Devin J. Meaney

Taff: Bass, vocals
Alex: Guitar
Jake Purdy: Drums

Track list:
1. Dangerous Machine
2. Choco Molokko
3. Rotten
4. Nuclear Deterrent

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