Tuesday, August 20, 2024

EP Review: Tygers of Wrath "First Roar" (Independent) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Tygers of Wrath
Country: Spain
Genre: Punk
Format: Digital
Label: Independent
Release date: March 30, 2024
I found the EP “First Roar” by Tygers of Wrath! This is some true rocking punk-rock with both female and male vocals, epic guitar work, tight drumming and a sound that is upbeat and uplifting!
All the lyrics and text are in a foreign language (I believe that it is Spanish?) but the vibes that are presented are nothing short of awesome! I’d be happy to hear more from this lot, and even though I don’t know what the hell they are singing about I do really enjoy this EP!
This was uploaded by Bad Step Punk TV and only has under 200 views on YouTube. The music is deserving of more than that, so please, head on over to YouTube (or find them elsewhere) and make sure to give Tygers of Wrath a view or three! -Devin J. Meaney

Track list:
1. Sucio Traidor
2. Fight
3. Corazón Delator
4. Recuerdo los 90

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