Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Interview with drummer Michael Christopher by Daniel Ryan

Interview with drummer Michael Christopher

How long have you been making music for?
I have been making music for thirty years!

What is your favorite instrument to play on?
Drums!! Dave Lombardo is a big inspiration!

What acts have you played with before if any?
Ok, this list is long, but the best were Carnal Remains, Deadfall, Cromlech, Salem Fires, Serpent Speak and Inverticrux.

If you had to lay out all the bands in order you played in as a timeline what would they be?
Ok here goes…
Soul Donor 1993 to 1994
Deadfall, 1994 to 1995
Carnal Remains, 1995 to 1996
Cromlech 1996 to 1997
Salem Fires 1999 to 2004
Eternal Embrace 2004 to 2005
Serpent Speak, 2007 to 2008
Inverticrux, 2011 to 2013
Trenchwalker 2015 to 2016
SqueedlySpooch (grindcore) 2017 to 2018
Salem Fires (version two) 2021 to 2022

What is the coolest experience you have had as a musician?
Getting to play the Science Fiction convention “Arisia”, in Boston in 2001.

What inspires you to keep doing what you do?
I eat, sleep and breathe music, so I forsake all other hobbies besides hiking!

If you had to name some influences what would they be?
Samhain, Emma Ruth Rundle, old Christian Death (Rozz era), the Cure, Slayer.

What is your favorite venue you been to or played in?
I loved playing the Sky Bar in Somerville, that place felt like home to Salem Fires! We miss you, Anderson Mar!!

To sum up this interview which website can we find your latest music and any shout outs to anyone for the readers of Asphyxium zine?
My music can be found on YouTube, and some demos for Salem Fires are on Soundcloud! I want to shout out to Erik from Ancestral Shadows, Emily and D McGillivary, Rhys from Lovers/Deceivers, and a big thank you for this interview!! Have a killer day!

-Daniel Ryan. 4/3/23

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