Monday, May 13, 2024

Demo Review: Kira "Demo 2024" (Independent) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Kira
Location: Los Angeles, California
Country: USA
Genre: Punk, hardcore
Demo: Demo 2024
Format: Digital
Label: Independent
Release date: May 2, 2024
Once again bringing myself to the Felopunk account on YouTube I came upon Demo 2024 by Kira! Featuring six short tracks in just under ten minutes this is yet again another delicious blast of old-school sounding hardcore punk rocking! The production is raw—but the instruments are on time and overall the vibes presented are spectacular!
The guitar is simplistic but heavy, the vocals are just as raw as the production—but add force to the music—and the drumming is a standard but well done mix of brutality and anarchistic pummeling!
Kira hails from Los Angeles, and this particular demo is available for streaming and on cassette. Although I listened to this streaming on YouTube one could make a stab that this demo would sound pretty damn rad on tape—so snag it if you can!
I won’t bug your eyes with my quickly written words any longer. Just listen to Kira—and all hail the Felopunk account! -Devin J. Meaney

Track list:
1. Half Past Two
2. Slave To The Habit
3. Battle
4. Tomorrow
5. Depleted
6. Crash And Burn

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