Thursday, March 6, 2025

Interview with Mando Gutierrez of The Recasts by Dave Wolff

Interview with Mando Gutierrez of The Recasts

What are the current members of The Recasts and how long have they worked together? How do you contribute to making the band’s voice distinctive? Did any of the members work in other bands beforehand? If so, has the experience contributed to sharing ideas? 
The current members are David Esquivel: lead guitar, Brian Gilmore: rhythm guitar, Michael Waight: bass, Dr. Dan: drums, and Mando Gutierrez: frontman. Each contributes by bringing their own style and sound that is meshed into what The Recasts is. Every member of the band listens to different kinds of music along with being from different places. So everyone has different influences. This comes together when you really listen to The Recasts’ music. Each member was in a band or two prior to The Recasts.

Where are the band members from? What are some of the bands you grew up listening to? Since many bands expand the scope of their genres, what led you to start creating something unique?
The Recasts members are currently from Chicago, Mexico, Mississippi and Texas. We all came together, as part of our journeys and live near or in San Antonio, Texas. Some guys grew up listening to 80s metal, others Lamb of God and Gojira, Lenny Kravitz and Rob Zombie, it's all over the place really.

Your latest singles "Immortal Resolve" and "Knightfall" have been available since 2023. How did they come together, and how have people reacted since their release?
"Knightfall" was written just prior to Covid. It was a sign of things to come. We had to humble ourselves and not lose who we were. We understood it was the first single coming off our "Devastator" EP and we had to bring it. Unfortunately it was released early Covid and we didn't even play it live for about two years really. So we remastered it, and recorded a Spanish version and released "The Knightfall Chronicles" EP along with a music video to really give the track its due. "Knightfall” is constantly requested and has definitely delivered.
"Immortal Resolve" was the first track post Covid that we wrote. During Covid, in a two year span we lost my Grandmother, Mother in Law, my Mom and my Dad. That flame had burned out for music. But my bandmates didn't quit on me, they came every week and we would play cards or video games or just talk. Eventually we started practicing again and "Immortal Resolve" was born. The release along with a music video were received really well. It showcased that we were back, just like all of us who survived Covid, stronger than ever!

How well did "Devastator" perform with listeners and zines? Which songs are included on it, and how do they reflect the band's growth at the time?
"Devastator" performed really well when it released and still going strong to this day. "Full Throttle", "Devastator", "Home" and "Banshee" were on the EP. This was the first release we worked with Fernando Lemus on. It was a major turning point in our professionalism and what we would come to expect from ourselves. There is a huge jump from our releases prior to "Devastator". Fern definitely challenged and brought out the best in us.

Were the lyrics modified when you recorded the Spanish version of "Knightfall"? Has the song made an impact in Spanish-speaking countries?
Mando worked with longtime producer Fernando Lemus to make the lyrics fit in Spanish. The song has, as The Recasts were just on Argentina radio recently and have received kudos from Mexico as well as coverage.

Who penned the lyrics to the songs on "The Knightfall Chronicles"? Did these tracks have a direct connection to the pandemic, or did some deal with other topics?
Mando penned the lyrics to "Knightfall". It also has to do with who you are inside. That egotistical side is the knight, inside we are all just people. We are all capable of great things in our own way, and we have our own purpose. We need each other, all of us are stronger together than we are alone.

Explain how the videos for "Immortal Resolve" and "Knightfall" reflect the songs. Did you feel it was best to independently produce those videos or did you consult with professionals?
We worked with our longtime producer at FL Recordings, Fernando Lemus. We felt Fern would bring out the best in us cinematically as he does musically.

What is Fernando Lemus' total amount of studio and video experience? Did his studio and video work history lead you to hook up with him?
I can't speak too much on his stuff, but take a look at his website. He's been producing records since 2010. His work as a drummer is what led us to hook up with him actually. Our drummer Dan watched his videos and content and as we were looking to find a new producer, suggested we should meet with him. After meeting with Fern the first time, we knew he would be the guy and he's been that guy since.

Did you look for a studio with the equipment you wanted to use, or does Lemos have a studio of his own where he works with bands?
Fern has his own equipment and all that. He's really a producer that does his homework and constantly works on getting better at his craft. As a man, you got to respect that. Never get complacent.

By Fern's autonomous development as a producer, how is the band inspired to advance in their own manner?
It's allowing us to not only grow but empower us to be even better. It's an amazing this when you believe in someone and vice versa. Once that happens, the possibilities are endless!

The "Immortal Resolve" promo video was shot with a tribal theme. For what reason was this chosen to symbolize the song’s lyrics?
Being that this was done after both Mando's parents passed, we wanted to signify that by honoring Dia De Los Muertos and all that it means.

What aspects of Dia De Los Muertos and its traditions are depicted?
Paying respects to those we've lost, including Covid, is the blood of this video and track. It felt like they pushed this, made it happen. We were lucky and honored to be a part of it.

How did you select the locations to film "Resolve" and "Knightfall"? How long did it take to find a place to provide the mood you desired?
We left that up to Fern since he is the one who shot the video. We spoke about concepts and so on and left the rest to him. You can't put into words, the talent that he has. The synergy between the track, the person we had as an actor and Fern producing and directing, was just incredible.

Can you tell us who the actor is in your videos, and how you tracked him down? Alongside the band's performance, what role does he play?
Of course, Tarzan is an actor who not only does the character in the video, but is also does a Papa Bones voodoo type character which is great! He brought the meaning of what we were inspired by and portraying to life!

What other plans does the band have for 2025? Is there anything special in the works you want to hint to the readers?
We plan to release our new single "Scream and Shout" soon along with a few more releases this year! We also plan to hit the road quite a bit, play a few festivals, and really put our stamp on 2025! This has been great. Thank you for the insightful questions and you guys for reading them! Together, we are Immortal!

-Dave Wolff
The Recasts at Linktree
The Recasts at Facebook
The Recasts at Youtube

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