Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Demo Review: Violent Christians "No Speed No Punk!" (Roach Leg Records) by Devin Joseph Meaney

Band: Violent Christians
Location: Austin, Texas
Country: USA
Genre: Punk, Hardcore
Demo: No Speed No Punk!
Format: Cassette, digital
Label: Roach Leg Records (Brooklyn NY, USA)
Release date: March 23, 2020
I keep busying myself with other things. Due to this, my ability to sit down and actually review things has declined. I couldn't let that happen, so I decided I would hit up Youtube to see if I could snag a cool demo release for my eardrums. I was not feeling like goregrind, so I quickly went on the hunt for some old school punk.
I passed over a few demos, but quickly came to the release ''No Speed No Punk!'' by Violent Christians. I have never heard of this band before (as far as I know, I hear a lot of stuff) but when I clicked play I could tell that this was something worth listening to. And as I was not feeling like a full-length release, it was the perfect amount of punk rock. And it had that lo-fi grit that I absolutely adore.
Simple riffs mixed with tight and fast drumming, aggressive vocals, and a hearty tinge of attitude, Violent Christians manage to not only have a great tone and vibe, but they have proven to me I would for sure check out future releases from these guys. 
I noticed they put out another demo in 2020 (maybe more?) and I for sure will return to give it a listen. Punk rock in a classical sense, this band is the good stuff.
...Anyone got a beer? –Devin Joseph Meaney

Track list:
1. Body Bag
2. Bullshit Junky
3. Need A Fixxx
4. Forgotten Few
5. NRA
6. Social Disease
7. Up Your Arse 

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