Saturday, April 15, 2023

Article: "Technology: A Blessing or a Curse? The Complicity of Complexity, Planned Obsolescence, and Price Escalation" by Goddess Rosemary Sahjaza

Technology: A Blessing or a Curse?
The Complicity of Complexity, Planned Obsolescence, and Price Escalation.
Article by Goddess Rosemary Sahjaza

In today's world, technology is evolving at a rapid pace, with new and improved devices being released every few months. This technological progress can bring many benefits to users, including improved functionality, speed, and convenience. However, it can also lead to the complicity of making equipment obsolete to profit from the long-time user point of view.
One of the primary ways that technology companies achieve this is through planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence is the practice of designing products to have a limited lifespan or to become outdated quickly, thus forcing consumers to buy new products frequently. This practice benefits companies by increasing sales and profits, but it can be frustrating and expensive for consumers.
In addition to planned obsolescence, technology companies also often engage in price escalation. As technology becomes more advanced and complex, the cost of producing it also increases. However, companies may choose to increase the prices of their products beyond what is necessary to cover these costs, thus increasing their profits at the expense of consumers.
Furthermore, many technology companies have shifted to a subscription-based model, where users pay a monthly or yearly fee to access software or services. While this can provide a steady stream of income for companies, it can also be challenging for users on fixed incomes, such as retirees or those on disability or social security. These users may not be able to afford the high monthly fees for high-end software, leaving them without access to the latest technology.
In conclusion, the complicity of making equipment obsolete to profit from long-time users, price escalation, and subscription-based models can make it challenging for consumers to keep up with the latest technology. While there are some benefits to technological progress, it's essential to recognize the potential downsides and hold companies accountable for their practices. Consumers can make informed decisions by researching products, choosing to support companies that prioritize sustainability and longevity, and advocating for policies that protect consumer rights.
While technology was originally intended to make our lives easier and more convenient, it has become increasingly complicated and difficult to use. This trend has been driven, in part, by the desire of companies to sell more products and services, and to increase their profits by making it harder for consumers to repair or upgrade their devices.
One of the ways that technology has become more complicated is through the increasing number of features and options that are available. While some users may appreciate having more choices, others may find it overwhelming and confusing. This complexity can also make it more challenging for users to troubleshoot problems or to perform basic tasks, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction. Another factor contributing to the complexity of technology is the increasing use of proprietary software and hardware. Many companies have designed their products to be difficult to repair or upgrade, or to work only with their own proprietary systems. This can make it more expensive for users to maintain or upgrade their devices, and can also make it more difficult for third-party repair services to work on them.
Finally, as you mentioned, the trend towards making equipment obsolete has also contributed to the increasing complexity of technology. Companies may design their products to become outdated quickly, or to work only with the latest software or hardware. This can force users to buy new devices more frequently, even if their current devices are still functional.
Overall, it's clear that the increasing complexity of technology is a problem that affects many users. While there are some benefits to having more features and options, it's important for companies to prioritize simplicity and ease of use, and to design products that are easy to repair and upgrade. By doing so, they can help ensure that technology remains accessible and affordable for all users.
Subscription price for paid apps and streaming services and still charging for individual titles within the subscription plan is unfair when it comes up in a search and your ready to watch and they want even more money for that particular title the price of each type of app or service adds up to a hefty price given those who need it the most are shut in those in acclimate locations who are forced to find activities inside the elderly and most on fixed incomes cable was broken by streaming now streaming threatens to become the new pocket gouging giant.
rising cost of subscriptions and the additional charges for individual titles within those subscriptions. This practice can be particularly unfair to those who are on a fixed income or live in remote locations, as it limits their access to entertainment and other media.
One of the main issues with subscription services is that they often lure customers in with a low monthly fee, but then charge additional fees for certain titles or services. This can make it difficult for customers to know how much they will actually be paying each month, and can lead to unexpected charges that are difficult to budget for.
Furthermore, the cost of subscriptions for multiple services can quickly add up, leaving many consumers struggling to keep up with the cost of entertainment. This is particularly true for those who are shut in or live in remote areas, as they may rely on entertainment to stay engaged and connected with the outside world.
While the rise of streaming services has certainly disrupted the cable industry, it's important for companies to prioritize affordability and accessibility for all consumers. This means being transparent about pricing and fees, and offering fair and reasonable prices for individual titles or services. By doing so, they can ensure that streaming services remain accessible and affordable for all consumers, regardless of their income or location.
In summary, the rising cost of subscription services and additional fees for individual titles can be a major burden for consumers, particularly those on a fixed income or in remote locations. Companies should prioritize affordability and accessibility for all consumers, to ensure that streaming services remain a viable and affordable option for all.
the importance of high-speed internet access for all Americans. In today's world, access to the internet is essential for everything from education to entertainment, and even for basic tasks like online banking or job applications.
Unfortunately, many people in rural and remote areas still do not have access to reliable high-speed internet. This can make it difficult for them to keep up with the pace of modern life and can limit their opportunities for education, employment, and social engagement.
The lack of high-speed internet access in rural and remote areas is a problem that needs to be addressed at a national level. Governments and private organizations should work together to build out the necessary infrastructure to provide high-speed internet access to everyone in the country, regardless of where they live.
In addition to the benefits of education and entertainment, high-speed internet access can also be a matter of public safety. In the event of a natural disaster or other emergency, access to the internet can be critical for receiving updates and staying informed about evacuation orders or other important information.
Overall, the need for high-speed internet access is clear, and it's important for policymakers and organizations to prioritize this issue. By doing so, they can help ensure that all Americans have access to the tools and resources they need to succeed in today's world.
AI is important to all areas of business and the arts because it has the potential to enhance and automate processes, improve decision-making, and create new opportunities for innovation and creativity. In business, AI can help companies optimize operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. For example, it can be used to analyze data, identify patterns, and make predictions, which can help businesses make more informed decisions. In the arts, AI can be used to create new forms of art, such as generative music and visual art, and to assist artists in their creative processes. Furthermore, AI is becoming increasingly accessible, with a growing number of tools and platforms available to businesses and artists alike. This accessibility is opening up new opportunities for innovation and creativity, as well as making AI more affordable and easier to use. As a result, AI is becoming a gateway to the future, providing the key to unlocking new possibilities and driving progress across all areas of business and the arts.
The new opportunities with AI are so astonishing and the door is wide open to new opportunities as fast as we can think of them but software must be affordable. AI is a gateway to the future but we all need a key.

Goddess Rosemary 2023

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