Sunday, July 7, 2024

Article: "July 2024 Dark Moon" by HEOP Liath Sahjaza

July 2024 Dark Moon
Article by HEOP Liath Sahjaza

Welcome to July’s Dark Moon ritual. Cut cords, cleanse yourself, and get ready for the new beginnings’ energies of New Moon.
This moon finds us in Cancer, so it is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honoring our deepest, most irrational and intimate feelings. Recognize the sense of security and safety we get from whatever it is we call home, at least, I hope we all have a secure place to call home. Allow yourself to accept support, while also offering support to others. Starting a project aimed at improving our domestic lives is a good idea for the energies in the air at this time. Concentrate on new ways to enhance family life and domestic situations, and to build up your feelings of security and safety.
With this potent Cancer energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle. What do you need to talk to yourself about as you take your meditative inner journey that can help you fulfill these tasks? How is your home and domestic situation? Family does not necessarily mean biological relatives, but sometimes we have chosen family. Even if you are estranged from anyone or your loved ones have passed on, enjoy the family you have.
It is time to set your intentions for the coming month. This Dark Moon energy helps reset any doubts and insecurities you might have. With this maternal energy of Cancer on your side, the spiritual meaning is about nurturing your hopes and honoring your feelings as you open the door to the second half of the year. Submerge yourself in the emotional waves of this Dark Moon.
The energy is especially comforting and protective, creating a safe and cozy bubble within so you can safely explore your emotional desires and set intentions that are aligned with your heart. Connecting with the things that make you feel nurtured is a big part of the spiritual meaning, so allow yourself to gently roll with the ebb and flow of your true feelings. Be loving and gentle to yourself, but also honest as you dig deep into your heart and start drawing in whatever energy you need to feel safe and secure.
Know that you deserve the very best. Much love to you all.

HEOP Liath Sahjaza

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