Friday, September 6, 2024

Article: "Sahjaza September Dark Moon Ritual" by Heop Liath Sahjaza

Sahjaza September Dark Moon Ritual
by Heop Liath Sahjaza

Welcome to our September Dark Moon ritual. This month finds us in Virgo, so, the spiritual meaning of the September 2024 new moon is overcoming fear and worry. With this moon phase we will need to face melancholia. Prepare yourself, because the energies right now are not positive, but you can make of it what you choose. With so much bad news and negativity in the world today, it is important to continue self care and remember that we can bring a bright future to fruition.

The current energies can cause confusion, fear, self-deception, lack of faith, and guilt. It can activate immoral or mean actions, perverted desires, or addictive tendencies. You may feel weak, unmotivated, or discouraged. Hypochondria is also possible, but so is the risk of infection and poisoning, so be vigilant with your health.

Relationships can be susceptible to jealousy and paranoia, so be mindful of your words, thoughts, and actions. Be aware of your acquaintances, as you could be a victim of lies, gossip, deceit, or scandal. Even if there is truth to things being said about you, keep calm, keep your wits about you. Pushing back in the wrong way can come back to bite you.

Don’t allow fear, paranoia, or confusion to get the best of you. Put all that energy into a project that requires your thoughts and creativity. You can overcome all this heavy energy by keeping your focus on positivity and the right kinds of self care.

For our meditation time, get yourself into your quiet safe space and use the tools that make you comfortable. Use your meditative breathing, cut cords, and look into yourself. Focus on the positive aspects of your life, bring them to the forefront. You deserve these wonderful things, and it is imperative that you believe this. Love yourself and those who are worthy of you. Cut loose the toxins, in whatever form they may be. Hug yourself, long and deeply. You are worthy of all the goodness.

Thank you all for sharing this deep, personal ritual each month. Much love to you all.


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