Sunday, June 2, 2024

Full Length Review: Pulmonary Fibrosis "Severe Pulmonic Valve Regurgitation" (MELTAAARGH!!!! Records) by Devin J. Meaney

Band: Pulmonary Fibrosis
Country: France
Genre: Death metal, grindcore
Full length: Severe Pulmonic Valve RegurgitationSevere Pulmonic Valve Regurgitation
Format: Digital, cassette
Label: MELTAAARGH!!!! Records
Release date: April 12, 2021
More recently I have been reviewing albums and EP’s that were freshly released in 2024. With that said I stumbled upon a LP by Pulmonary Fibrosis from 2021 that I did not hear (or do not remember hearing). As I am a fan of Pulmonary Fibrosis I figured it was worth my time to give this musical abomination a view! The LP title is “Severe Pulmonic Valve Regurgitation” and after listening I can state that it is by far a sordid little blast of nauseatingly delicious goregrind!
The vocals are pitched (think Rompeprop and bands similar) and the guitars are deep and booming. The percussion is steadfast and vicious—and once these things are combined what is offered up is abysmally delightful!
Nine tracks in just under fourteen minutes is what is on the platter and every minute is on par! Even the sampling is on point, although “sparse” in comparison to a lot of gore within this vein! As stated in the YouTube bio Pulmonary Fibrosis is a “goregrind band from Yzeures-sur-Creuse, France since 1998. This is their awesome single-sided LP from 2021. Released in December 2021 on 12" vinyl format by MELTAAARGH!!!! Records.”
The LP is also available in digital format at the band’s Bandcamp page and is available for streaming on YouTube. Once again this was uploaded by the wonderful Gore Grinder account! So buy it, download it, or at the very least give it a stream or two! I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did! -Devin J. Meaney

Reno: Bass
Simon: Vocals
Adrien: Vocals
Guyome: Drums, guitar, vocals

Track list:
1. Pleural Effusion
2. Juices Digested From Each Pus Swollen Pore
3. Acute Peripancreatic Post Necrotic
4. Severe Pulmonic Valve Regurgitation
5. Maggots Drown In Suppuration
6. Slow Decomposing Of Verrucos Amorphus
7. Stomatitis Aphthosa
8. Corrosive Digestion Of Embryonic Corpus
9. Infected Remains

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