Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Full Length Review: Gormoth/ForevercolD/Haldokló Csillagok "My Journey Through Death Grief & Misery" (Independent) by Daniel Ryan

Band: Gormoth
Country: Hungary
Genre: Atmospheric black metal, ambient
Band: ForevercolD
Country: Hungary
Genre: Atmospheric black metal
Band: Haldokló Csillagok
Country: Hungary
Genre: Raw atmospheric black metal
Format: Digital
Label: Independent
Release date: December 6, 2024
The first project song Tied Vagyok Halal played here has sounds of Gormoth but the quality is a little different including the drums here with sound muzzled and noisy throughout. A little more than a different experience & sound from it while I expect the best is yet to come. Until the drums kick in full speed with the guitars Iam shocked at the pace that kicked up by that much. Fantastic song with many layers of depressive found in it. Haldoklo Csillagok is determined to output a sound all on its own. Very triumphant and inspiring.
Forever cold places more emphasis on the guitars here while screaming its way into its own darkened and cobwebbed tomb. More straight forward black metal than the last one this song quickly chooses a slower pace with the drums as the guide into unspeakable horror to be found later on in the track. This song has been on a wild journey into the next one.
Gormoth comes in ever so slowly with piano passages and synths that take over until you hear the first scream of My Own Funeral which is also found on their latest EP. The pace of the drums and guitar with the piano still hanging in there is a huge compliment to one another and follows up with the authentic screams of something less than human. A very spirited track to say the least, it echoes through its own chambers of loss and bellows of something sick. Very good track in itself it continues to punch down into the ground and doesn’t seem to want to let go.
This music by Adam is a DSBM walkthrough to get you a bit more depressive about your day or night. Set at the right style and pace this band pushes the envelope for others to follow up to do the same of said genre. Very well done! And hauntingly beautiful Hungarian lyrics. This one is a cool compilation for your dark and cold winter nights like mine.
I got this album by code from a Bandcamp email from them. They give out codes often so keep an eye out for that. You never know what you might just get! –Daniel Ryan

Track list:
1. Haldokló Csillagok - Tied vagyok Halál
2. ForevercolD - Nem Érdemes Emlékezni
3. Gormoth - My Own Funeral
4. Haldokló Csillagok - Maradványaink
5. ForevercolD - Siralom
6. Gormoth - Frozen Tears at a Mournful Dawn
7. Haldokló Csillagok - A Halál Sápadt Karjai Közt
8. ForevercolD - Nosztalgia
9. Gormoth - My Winter II
10. Haldokló Csillagok – Csend
11. ForevercolD - Engedj el
12. Gormoth - Apathy
13. ForevercolD - A Létezés Fájdalma
14. Gormoth - Autumn Lament

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