We met through mutual friend Rich Orth at the first annual Haunt Faire in Long Island the first weekend of August. How did you hear about this convention and how would you describe your experience showcasing your work there?
I actually heard about Haunt Faire by way of Instagram. I believe Elsie Ginsberg started following me there. We exchanged a few comments, and I told her that I think I would like to go to this event and she thought I should. A few weeks passed and I contacted Elsie to ask her about any job positions to help run the fair. She replied that she only took on sixteen volunteers for non-paid positions. What I was looking for was a paid position. A few more weeks passed and Elsie and I became Facebook friends. I was contacted about my contact info and if I wanted to volunteer. I took it as a sign from the Gods, sent her my info and posted a pic of myself in my Voodoo Priest Rob're character on her Facebook page. She informed me that if I showed up as that character, that I could be a meet & greet person, That sounded great to me so I agreed to volunteer. I actually had a phenomenal time at this event! Right off the bat meeting Vince Collura (makeup artist) and Rich Orth (writer/poet), who I only knew from Facebook and had never met in person, was a complete pleasure! Being in character and in makeup all day for both days and greeting guests, meeting the celebrities performing with Demon Boy on Saturday night was an absolute blast! I made acquaintances with all the Haunts that were offering jobs and auditions. The only downside for me was that I wasn't able to spill any blood while I slid my razor blade across my tongue which is a major part of my act! But business is business and Elsie would have had quite the cleaning bill; pretty much of the entire hotel; so I had to hold off a bit. But I still got a chance to freak out all the guests that I encountered and that was much fun!
How long had you been corresponding with Vince Collura and Rich Orth before catching up to them at Haunt Faire?
I have been corresponding with them for about a year now, I would say more with Vince; he has helped me out with pricing details for FX makeup for movie deals, for which I have been approached with the last six months.
How much advice were you offered by Collura regarding pricing of effects makeup? Has he told you about the best quality materials you can acquire for the least amount of funds? How much has his advice paid off for you?
Over this past year, I've been approached to do FX make up for a few movies. Aside from doing makeup for Webster Hall, videos and for various artists privately, I've never been lead makeup for a full feature film. He put me on the right path pricing wise so I would be in the ballpark for any job I might take on. We really didn't speak much about material and the newest products out there but I'm sure he would help me out with anything I would need to know, judging how he helped me out in such detail for pricing. We really clicked. I’m the kind of person that goes by the saying ‘you can't keep it without giving it away’, and I got that feeling from him. Although your own personal trade secrets are earned, to help someone out with basics and put them on the correct path is the right thing to do. When I gave my daily rate for the production of Deathhouse, it was exactly what the producers were expecting. Unfortunately the movie never went into production; oh well another day in the life. But at least I know the basics now for pricing for full feature films, thanks to Vince.
What was Deathhouse and why didn’t it get a chance to go into production? Were you involved in writing the storyline?
Deathouse was supposed to be a full feature film with a 1.3 million budget. It didn't go into production because the script was horrible, hands down! I was not involved in the writing of the script, nor did the producer or writer want to take any of my suggestions. Not that I'm the be all, end all on script writing, but I gave them original ideas of memorable iconic scenes for the movie. I explained to the people who were willing to put up that kind of cash it was exactly what they would want to see. Something they could attach sequels to, like the Saw franchise for instance. Another mistake was made by the producer who allowed his friend to write the script; not a professional writer. I give him an A for effort but when you’re talking 1.3 mil you need pros on board not amateurs. The only upside to this was that a minimal video storyboard was shot for the financial backers and I did the makeup for the main character for which I got paid well! If I’ve got you freaked out in a three way conference call from ideas I'm handing you, that's exactly what you want to happen in the theater. You want people to freak out and never forget what they just saw. I didn't give them the same old ridiculous gore scenes, just straight up, original and out of the box horror with characters you could relate to (love and hate). After I read the script I sat back and said to myself it was extremely unoriginal and terribly written. I could care less about who lived or died, which would be big from anyone's standpoint!
How long have you been familiar with Rich Orth’s poetry? If you are versed in his writing, how would you rate him as a poet? Are there any examples of his work that particularly resonate with you?
I’ve just recently begun to read Rich Orth's poetry. I think he's talented from what I've read so far, and very dark, just the way I like it. Overall I get a complete feeling of deep darkness from Rich’s work.
Others appearing at Haunt Faire were Voodoo Terror Tribe who I met in NYC in the mid 2000s and a local belly dance group from Long Island.
Voodoo Terror Tribe looked great and sounded awesome. The belly dancers are Tribal Dance Long Island, I thought they were simply amazing! Between their makeup, their dancing skills and choices of music they which seemed from exotic to present pop music, I found them creative.
Describe what it was like sharing the stage with Demon Boy that Saturday. Had you known him before the convention?
Saturday night preforming with Demon Boy was high energy! Being able to be on stage and perform with the band and interact with the audience was just amazing. Again not being able to wield blood all over the place was a bit of let down for me, but I made up for it by still using a razor blade on my tongue which freaks people out in general, and running around licking a Brain in my (Bucket O Brain) prop, along with using my oversized pair of scissors on Wendy (Swordsha) Ortiz was mega fun! The first time I met Demon Boy was at a place called Gussy's Bar in Astoria, New York where he was headlining a show for promoter Ozzie Paul Mortanis of Necromancer Productions in October 2014. I was there that night to do FX Makeup on Dean Rane of Dead Dean & The Living Hells and perform with the band. As it turned out none of the Living Hells showed up except for the drummer, so it was up to Dean and I to do what we had to do; after all the show must go on. Now this is where Demon Boy approached me and offered for Chris Vazquez of his band to play bass and Wendy Ortiz to dance with us. I personally didn’t know any of Dead Dean's music, so I just improvised lyrics and I started in with slitting my tongue with my razor and spilling blood all over the place. A lot of the girls in the crowd came to the edge of the stage to drink my blood; needless to say the whole club went wild. I heard Demon Boy say to put the fog machine on us and start filming us. He went nuts and we have been friends ever since.
Dead Dean is another acquaintance who I met in NYC during the 90s. I’ve heard songs by his band and reviewed them for another webzine, Obscure Chaos. What was it like to work with him at the show?
I would have to say it was a combination of excitingly fun, creative, chaotic, psychotic and neurotic! I had Dead Dean stressing out about his whole band except for the drummer not showing for the gig, and to keep him still in the makeup chair while I was applying his steel horn prosthetics on his forehead was nearly impossible. I managed to get the job got done.
Who else did you cross paths with for the first time at Haunt Faire? Do you plan to attend next year’s convention?
I ran in to a host of tremendous talents including Teresa Marie Santoro of Long Island Paranormal, Julie Gringalunas, a psychic from The Fire Side Radio Show, Kadrolsha Ona Carole (Queen of the Paranormal) an actress from Exorcist: Legacy, Barbara Magnolfi who played "Olga" From Dario Argento's Suspiria (by the way I must mention that we had a splendid discussion on acting and character preparation in the green room). I met Steven Siegelbaum of Gut Rot FX, which was a real honor! I met Ricky Vitus the makeup artist from the show Face Off and The Gateway Playhouse in Bellport NY as well as Michael Baker the manager and Director of The Gateway Playhouse. I met Brimstone, and author and wrestler, Michael Zinn and Sara McGee of The Women Of Armageddon, Father Evil (Lou Avilleira), Adam Ginsberg and of course Robert Velasco (photographer) who did a fantastic photo shoot of model Adaina Velez and I! I would definitely consider attending this event again!
Who is Adaina Velez and what sort of modeling has she done in the local horror scene?
I believe Adaina Velez is a local cosplay model. It was the first time I met her. She was nice enough to grab me and include me in a photo shoot with photographer Robert Velasco.
Are you satisfied with the results of your photo shoot with Velez and Robert Velasco? Where can these photos be viewed?
I'm satisfied though I wish I could have been a little bit more prepared for it. I would have liked to have some of my props on hand like my Cane, Bucket O Brain, razor blades and blood! Velez just came by, grabbed me and said ‘photo op’ so I just went with the flow and it turned out well overall. The photos can be seen on my Facebook page under the album Photo Shoot and a few are on my Instagram account. I'm sure they can be viewed on Robert Velasco's and Adaina Velez's Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Between Velez and the other personalities you met for the first time at Haunt Faire, are you keeping in touch with them for the possibility of any future collaborations?
Since the Haunt Faire, I've become Facebook friends with just about everyone I met. I’ve actually been waiting on a poem from Rich Orth to illustrate to and I’ve been in touch with and auditioned for Chamber Of Horrors, a haunt in Hauppauge, Long Island, It looks like I'm gonna be performing a few nights there this October. I've been in touch with Michael Baker of The Gateway Playhouse in Bellport. Hopefully I will be working there to some extent, acting and/or makeup. I think overall the exposure I received at Haunt Faire is going to be positive in the long run.
What is the Bucket O Brain prop you invented? What special materials do you use for it?
It’s basically a latex brain skull cap that I made from sculpt, painted with handmade PAX Paint, 50% Prosaide, 50% Acrylic Paint. Of about 60 that I made to attach hair to, I simply picked one, stuffed it with some lamb’s wool and stuffed it in a bucket, and I walk or run around licking it. I always bring them to makeup sessions for the NYC Zombiecrawl events which go over well! As when I won the Heidi Klum Scariest Costume Contest on AOL in 2013, I actually covered the entire brain cap with hair, ripped the scalp off, exposed the moist brain cap covered with maggots and proceeded to eat the maggots. Hence it was dubbed “The Most Disturbing Moment Of The Contest”.
Haunt Faire I believe was the second time we met; if I recall the first time was outside the Big Apple Con sometime in the late 2000s when you were doing some promotional work. Can you fill me in on the rest?
Since we met I've been up to all sorts of things such as producing my own music video Painted From Memory as seen on Youtube. I did FX makeup and starred in a music video by Doxa also on Youtube. I did Special FX and puppeteering for the movie Hellfire, which got a little write up this year in Fangoria magazine thanks to director/producer Marc Fratto of Insaneorama. I won Heidi Klume’s Scariest Costume Contest on AOL, dubbed as “The Most Disturbing Moment Of 2013.” Also I've been doing some makeup work for Doug Sakmann for the NYC Zombie Crawl 2012 to present. I have done promotional makeup and acting work for movies such as Penthouse Magazine, Diary Of The Dead, Paranormal Activity, Resident Evil 3D, Evil Dead II, World War Z. I was roaming actor for The Goblin Market, the host for 666 Blackmass/High Ballroom, makeup artist for Hell "O" Ween 2014 at Webster Hall when I had the honor of working with Shane Savant and Meagan Hester. I did the Michael Jackson makeup for Robert G Boyer who won The Choreographer's Ball Carnival NYC at the Highline Ballroom. I am still working on my CGI art illustrations. I’m sure there are a few more things; for now I look forward to working the Halloween season.
Describe the Painted From Memory video you have up on Youtube. How much exposure has it gotten on social media?
In 2013 I was obsessed with the album Painted From Memory. I recorded the songs My Thief and Painted From Memory and planned on a few more. Painted From Memory was the only one produced. It was very apropos at the time. I found myself at the end of a relationship with my girlfriend of 22 years. She was already gone when we filmed. I really wanted to do My Thief as well, which is about a man’s nightmares about his ex-lover coming to visit him in his dreams and stealing his heart on a nightly basis, but I had to move and couldn't continue filming. I haven't had a significant work space since. I think I've gotten about 600 hits on Youtube so far, a lot of likes on Facebook and a whole lot of statements from various fans, friends and family. Before they knew it was me they asked who it was and said they would buy it, which was encouraging.
Are there other well-known songs you would want to add your personal touch to in the future?
I would also like to do a song from Painted From Memory called What’s Her Name Today. Other songs would I would love to play around with would be Marilyn Manson's version of You’re So Vain, originally done by Carly Simon, Sympathy For The Devil by The Rolling Stones. I have another song recorded called Walk Away Joe, a Trisha Yearwood song. That’s right a lil bit a country! I want to put a Goth twist to it. I plan on portraying a Goth cowboy on this one!
You are obviously a huge fan of horror and have been involved in the industry for a long time. What got you into watching horror movies? What were some of the first movies you saw and why did they stay with you through the years?
I'd have to say I was into watching horror and all other kinds of cinema and TV at a very young age. It was a great escape for me as a young kid, being that my household was unstable to say the least. Horror movies really got my attention; I was so interested in how they were pulling off the makeup. At the time there was no real reference to it aside of whatever info you could get from the magazine Famous Monsters Of Filmland, Forry Ackerman’s mag. I started buying copies of Famous Monsters Of Filmland as a kid, but unfortunately all were lost to time and travel. I couldn't get over how Jack Pierce was pulling off doing Boris Karloff's makeup with putty for Frankenstein, and then there was the acting involved which really turned me on. I knew in my heart that I wanted to be a Horror genre actor and or makeup artist by the age of eight years old, like Boris Karloff and especially the great Lon Chaney who to this day has had a major influence and inspired me! Also the FX in the original King Kong always blew me away! All I wanted to know was how they were doing that! The acting I already knew in my heart I could do it and wanted to! The first Horror I saw were the original Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula, The Mummy, King Kong, Jason & The Argonauts by Ray Harryhausen and TV shows like Dark Shadows. When The Munsters came out I knew that Horror would become mainstream and an acting and makeup career could be a goal that I could attain.
In what ways did The Munsters change the face of television? Are you also a fan of The Addams Family and the artwork of Charles Addams? If so, what do you most appreciate about it?
The Munsters changed the face of TV because it made horror a legitimate mainstream genre. It opened a lot of eyes to horror for people who maybe wouldn't have paid any attention to it. At the time it helped my parents get over the fact that all I wanted to do was watch horror movies all the time. I loved The Addams Family but I thought that was more Bizzarro world. The Munsters had Frankenstein (my fave) and Vampires! I never really did get into much of Charles Addams’ art. I am more of a Frank Frazzetta and Boris Vallejo fan.
Discuss some of the promotion you were doing at Big Apple Con around the time of our first meeting?
I believe when we first met at the Big Apple Con I was doing promotional work for Blood Manor, a haunt in Manhattan. I remember scaring the living daylights out of people as they were walking in and out of the event with just a pair of fangs and minimal makeup. To be horrifying people came very natural to me. I remember security for the event egging me on to do things to people. They couldn't get over how people got a kick out of it. For me it just felt magical!
How did you meet Doxa and go on to work with them for their promotional video (Aniquilación)? Provide information about the video and how you helped produce it.
I never met the band Doxa; I believe they are from Mexico. I was approached by film maker Marc Fratto for whom I did some special FX and puppeteering for the movie Hellfire to do the FX makeup for their video. I accepted did the job and did the sequences for the video. Filming for the rest of the video began at another studio the next day. I got a phone call from Marc telling me that the preacher in the video walked off the set claiming that the video was too demonic for him. He asked for a few photos of me wearing a long black coat and to make the facial expressions I do, and I got the starring role as the Preacher. It was a great gig! I did in fact use Kane from Poltergeist II as a reference, but I also looked at many snake handling preacher videos as directed by Marc Fratto to finalize my character.
We discussed World War Z and you recommended that I see it. How would you say it compares to the zombie movies of Romero and Fulci? Did you read the novel version of World War Z? How would you say it compares to the film?
I loved it for its realism of storytelling most of all! The Zombie virus simply spread like any other virus; Black Plague, Spanish Flu, AIDS etc. As far as the visuals I saw the premiere in 3D. It seemed like I was ducking every five minutes. Brad Pitt's acting made it all the more realistic for me. I happened to be at the premiere because I did the promo makeup for the outdoor actors at the AMC Theater in Times Square. As far as I'm concerned there is no comparison between WWZ and Romero's and Fulci's work. You simply can’t compare the filming, acting, special FX or storytelling. All those directors and their movies are great and equally unique in their presentation. I did not read the novel, but I guess I should being that in most cases the book is always better than the movie.
Do you prefer movies with physical sets and effects or movies with CGI effects? Or does your preference vary from movie to movie? Are there times when CGI is overdone in movies?
I prefer physical sets and makeup in movies, but if something is impossible to create or make better, then I don't mind digital at all! For instance I loved the digital transformation scene for the Wolfman remake with Benicio Del Toro. I can’t wait for the day they make a legit remake of Frankenstein and I hope Rick Baker is on the job. I loved how the zombies in World War Z climbed the walls surrounding Israel. I thought that was amazing! I also love Peter Jackson’s King Kong and anything digital, if it is done to perfection! If we have the tools, why not use them! I don't think CGI is overdone in movies as long it is well done and photo realistic! A good storyline is a good storyline, and it should hold up no matter what the effects are.
Do you read as many horror novels as you watch movies? If so, which of them have made a lasting impression on you?
I don't read many horror novels, but when I did it was Stephen King all the way. I read everything he wrote back in the day: The Stand, Pet Sematary. Gerald's Game, The Tommyknockers, Skeleton Crew, The Bachman Books and many more. I couldn't get enough of King! They are all still in my brain. I will admit I haven't read any of his recent material but I would say his writing style left a lasting impression on me. How he draws you in with real life situations and people, so to speak, and then all Hell breaks loose! I've always thought along the same lines whenever I created an Illustration, a makeup work or a character creation. As far as inspirational people, Stephen King is up there with Lon Chaney, Boris Karloff, H.R. Giger and Mobieus of the art mag Heavy Metal.
You have worked at Halloween events at Webster Hall in NYC and plan to do so again at future events. Describe your involvement at these shows and the input you have had for the performances?
I love working at Webster Hall! Working with Shane Savant (manager) was a real pleasure as well as working with the performers. Last year was my first time working there, and my duties were to apply and paint prosthetics and do full body makeup. I personally did Shane's makeup, as well as twenty other actors, dancers and one fire breather for the Halloween show last year dubbed Hell-O-Ween. I also had the pleasure of working with Meagan Hester of the show Faceoff that night. She designed most of the prosthetics for that night. My work for that night can be viewed on my Facebook page in the photo album Webster Hall Makeup.
Shed some light on Chamber Of Horrors, Zombie Crawl and the movie Long Island Conspiracy you are working on. How long have you wanted to act in horror movies? Have you taken acting classes in college or study acting independently?
Chamber Of Horrors is a haunted attraction and I will be working there this year; acting and makeup. The NYC Zombie Crawl does a few events every year, October's being the most popular. I have done three or four events so far for Doug Sakmann who coordinates these events. I do make up for at least 200 people for the event in October and I usually nail a few other gigs from working this event. It is quite fun! Long Island Conspiracy is about a lot of things going on Long Island that are definitely very questionable, one of them being the Montauk Monster. Besides acting I will be involved in makeup and special effects for this production. A link for the movie is youtu.be/YMb4XhMWepM. I have been wanting to act in horror movies since the age of eleven or twelve. I have never had any prior training or attended any acting classes, though I am constantly approached by people and asked where I have studied acting. I am told I am convincing. Acting has always come naturally to me. I just love unzipping and stepping out of my body and becoming someone or something else!
If you had the opportunity to make convention appearances outside New York, how often would you be willing to travel?
If I was being paid to make appearances at any conventions, I would be willing to travel any time at all!
What do you know about the Montauk Monster this far? How long have you had an interest in such subject matter? Are you familiar with any local paranormal legends such as those involving Lake Ronkonkoma and Mary’s Grave?
All I know about the Montauk Monster is what everyone else heard about it when the story broke, and what I've seen on various TV shows. I am very curious though as to the whereabouts of the remains! I have always been interested in this kind of subject matter, but it’s always been so difficult to attain any real factual data on anything out of the ordinary by anyone with anyone with legitimate authority; so many cover-ups, so many controversial opinions. I am not familiar with the local paranormal legends involving Lake Ronkonkoma and Mary’s Grave. But I do believe in paranormal activity! Personally if I ever encounter any paranormal activity (which I have with a cat) I would deal with it accordingly. But I'm not into looking for it!
What do you think would be the ideal role for you in a horror or slasher movie?
I would love to have the honor of playing the role of Frankenstein in a remake. I have had all the body movements and sounds of Boris Karloff down to a tee since I was a kid. I have been planning a Frankenstein makeup for quite some time now. But ideally and realistically I would think a vicious, cannibalistic, psychotic and vampiresque creature would be perfect for me!
Discuss some of the CGI artwork you design, that can be viewed at your Facebook profile. How long have you been designing art with computer effects and what first made you interested in doing so?
All of the work is very time intensive and a true labor of love. I like to design work that is a beautiful, scary, a little twisted and outside the box. All my illustrations have a little backstory behind them. For instance, there are a few pieces with a beautiful girl being followed by a female specter. One has the caption ‘Shit, I so feel like I'm being watched’ and is about a girl making her way through an abandoned building to find an after-hours party. She is being watched and followed through the building. I even have a scene where they are making out after they finally meet on the drawing board. I would like to say the girl never makes it to the party! There are a few with scary clowns. One is about a clown therapy session which takes place in an attic with a pretty cute therapist. Another is called Coffee Talk With Bella. Bella from the movie Twilight is discussing her marital problems with her new vampire husband about how lame he is. I am the clown in that one. There is an illustration with H.R. Giger’s Alien sitting in a bubble bath. He is simply depressed about not getting any kills that day and his girlfriend is offering him a rubber duck to play and cheer him up with while he takes his bath. It goes on and on! Sci fi to scary clowns to beautiful mermaids to an album cover for Dead Dean & The Living Hells.
What kind of equipment do use to design CGI art? Was it a process of trial and error to find the equipment you most wanted to work with?
I've been doing CGI since 2000. It was summer and I was recovering from back surgery I sustained from my professional snowboarding career while living in Vail Colorado. I had never owned nor used a computer at that time, and while healing and resting one day I saw a TV commercial on a Gateway PC and said what the heck lets order one of those! I was off to the races once I opened up Microsoft Paint. It all started with Microsoft Paint for me, working with just a mouse, drawing and lighting mountain scenes painting pixel by pixel at 100% magnification. Then I got turned on to Adobe Illustrator. It took me all summer to teach myself how to use the pen tool! I had quite a portfolio by the time I applied for classes for Photoshop and website building at Colorado Mountain Collage that following winter. There I received intensive training with Photoshop 6, which was what Adobe was up to at the time I believe. The huge turning point was when I was turned on to digitalblasphemy.com, a website that offered screensavers and wallpaper for computers. I was completely blown away with what I was viewing! When I got to the link on (how I create my Images by Ryan Bliss) I found out about all the 3D software out there like Daz 3D, Bryce, Poser And Poser Pro, 3D Studio Max. When I first viewed 3D art in its composing phase it was all un-textured objects, grids that went on to infinity, lines with numbers, all wire frame and calculation pull down menus. I was like, how am I ever going to do this! But with true love of the medium I applied myself and read tutorials, even the ones I didn't understand and I feel even more importantly the critiques that were given on 3D art on websites like renderosity.com. That’s where I learned everything from lighting to composition for 3D art. I started with Poser 4.0 and Bryce 4.0 and am currently working with Poser Pro 2012, Bryce Pro 7.1 and Photoshop CS. The Rig I use to create my CGI is Windows 7 OS Inteli7 @3.20GHz custom made, fully functioning 6 core machine with 32 gigs of ram, with dual NVIDIA GeForce Graphic cards with attached 112gb of ram on each. My monitor is a ProArt 1920x1200 which rotates from Portrait to Landscape mode. I also use a Wacom graphic tablet and Stylus Pen these days for a long time now. It’s been a long time since I’ve used a mouse to create an image… what a joy! It wasn't as much so as trial and error to find the right equipment to do my work; it was more like you had to wait for the technology to evolve. I did all of my early work on any 32 bit OS PCs I owned at the time from Gateway to Dell, fairly successfully, meaning that I've fried my share of computers. But now that every OS is 64 bit, it's a 3D artist’s dream. 24 hour renders take 20 minutes, and the open GL which allows you to see everything in the scene while composing, including lighting, is nothing less than cinema caliber! Still there are the thirty to forty hours of composition, texturing and re-lighting, and that my friend is my labor of love!
Would you consider releasing your computer artwork in book form? If you took on such a project, which of your pieces would you choose for publication?
I would consider putting out my computer art work out in book form and has been on my to-do list for quite some time. I would put a wide variety of work in this book, not just horror art.
Tell the readers about the internet TV network you plan to work with, Inravio. Internet TV has been growing for the last several years; how much more do you believe it will progress in the years to come?
On the 23rd of September Inravio TV and I will begin shooting a four part series on Halloween makeup done with household goods. I will be doing a presentation on how to prepare and create makeup and I will be applying makeup to three people, one of them being Sarah M Gee of Women Of Armageddon. This show will be aired sometime in October. The airing dates are October 7, 14, 21 and 28. I believe internet TV will progress in a big way, the sole reasons being technology and access. The Internet has really become a way of life these days. It seems as though you can’t do anything without it!
What sort of vampire movie do you think you would make if you decided to do so?
If I were going to make a vampire movie it would be about a loving couple of vampires that existed for over 300 years. As it goes in the present they have abandoned their monstrous ways of surviving by murdering people, reason being they don't want to bring attention to themselves. They have been able to do this because the wife has always worked at blood banks/hospitals in every city they live in and take home to go bags of blood on a regular basis. Now in NYC, due to the Wall Street crash she has gotten laid off, and is having a hard time retaining another job, hubby is getting angry and THIRSTY. The characters are like any couple you might meet; they argue, fuss, fight and love, so you can relate to them until they get THIRSTY. Of course there is a back story/history on the beginning; how the couple met, what they were doing when they met, where they met and who made who, it is quite a romantic and evil story. But I don't want to give away too much. It’s actually on my drawing board for the future.
Are there other projects you haven’t gotten involved with that you would like to be in the months to come?
I would like to continue to pursue my acting career, take acting classes and go into N.Y.C. for more auditions once the Halloween season is over.
Robert Uller on Facebook
-Dave Wolff
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